Lettuce discuss annoying people in offices we work in.

One of my highly intelligent work colleagues today informed me in a very condescending fashion that hypothermia can, in actual fact, kill you.

I feel enlightened.

What is the appropriate response to this? I raised my eyebrow, stared for about 3 seconds then looked back to my screen without saying a word.

you shout "AND SO CAN I" and mercilessly beat them about the head and neck with your keyboard
The scotcher that I'm stuck working with is hyper like a kid. He always has to be moving or making noise. Plus he has no attention span and isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.
Were facing layoffs this week, and if I manage to remain here, Im afeared of who else will remain.
Places like this are notorious for letting go the useful people while retaining the chuckle heads that can barely use a pencil.
The guy I was riding with today uses turn signals in the parking garage. I tried to explain to him that everyone knows you're turning right becuase you can't go in any other direction. After the vacant look I just decided to keep my thoughts to myself.
outside of a few old hags and lack of scenery, my office is pretty laid back and cool.

there's only one guy that annoys the fuck out of me, and he annoys the fuck out of the entire office... don't even know his name or what he does, but he'll blow up the bathroom 2-3 times a day. i mean, he leaves a stench that makes you want to drown yourself. it's the kind of funk that sticks to your clothes and you can't get out of your nostrils for a good hour after you've been caught in the bathroom after him... it's the kind of stink that comes from 6 month old poop rotting between the dudes ass cheeks because he's to fat to wipe, i mean it simply isn't possible for him to clean around the anus area. whenever i see him come out of the bathroom when i gotta piss, i decide to take a trip to starbucks or the gas station instead. my boss fully understands.

pretty sure this fat fuck would foul out drool.
We had this one guy just up and start throwing a fit today. Full on sobbing and throwing a tantrum on the floor right in the middle of the office. Something about stricter conditions on playing games due to him not listening to the bosses, I don't know, it was a mess.