WTF Let's Do The Time Warp Agaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin!!!

I'm a little too lazy to go back and read my own comments but I don't think I believe that all kids are monsters. I do believe there are more monstrous kids now than 30 years ago. My beliefs come from observations in classrooms from the poorest of the poor to the richest of the rich that you actually see in public schools. I haven't had any reason to be at any private schools and observe what's going on there. My sister has taught at both ends of the spectrum and I've spent plenty of time in her schools assisting in the classroom. As far as I am aware, our UF resident teacher has not yet given his opinion. I've talked to other teachers who have taught for 30+ years and they all report more behavior problems now than 20 years ago. I don't think as much emphasis is being placed on education and respect in the average home in America. I'm not even sure I'll be capable of instilling those values in my children if I have any. It's extremely difficult to be a parent, know what it is that you went through as a child, and then try and teach your kids to do it better than you did. In addition, no matter how well you teach your kids at home, the moment you send them out amongst their peers they learn a whole new set of rules. I think it's a huge struggle for kids today between what they know is right and what they want to display. Kids are growing up faster both mentally and physically and I don't think we as a society are equipped to handle all this new stuff. It's resulting in some problems. Blah, I don't know if I'm explaining myself very well here. Stuff is changing. Back in my day things were better!!! Get off my lawn!!!
Yep, kids will always pick up bad habits from other kids, drives me nuts.

And you're correct, there is almost NO emphasis placed on responsibility by parents (From the majority I've encountered) at the home.

Disclaimer for Sturgeon...
But what do I know, as I don't have kids and because of that, my skills of observation are apparently horrible.

I agree that parents should be more responsible. What I don't like is the redneck static mindset that for this problem, all we need is one solution..
Just as long as its your solution, rite?


What is my solution? I've been stating that a single solution will not work for all kids.. You have to assess the kid to figure out what is making him act out. Being ignorant to the childs needs and arrogantly proclaim you know what all kids need, is not going to help anyone.

Johnny might be acting out because his father is a drunk and he beats Johnny's mother every night.
Mary might be acting out because she's a spoiled brat that has grown accustomed to getting what she wants, when she wants.
Jack might be acting out because his mother is dead broke, can only afford to live in bad neighbourhoods, and the local kids are having a horrible effect on Jack's behavior.
Lisa might be acting out because she was recently raped by her uncle which has put her emotions and behavior on a roller coaster ride.

You need to know the problem before you can fix it.

What is my solution? I've been stating that a single solution will not work for all kids.. You have to assess the kid to figure out what is making him act out. Being ignorant to the childs needs and arrogantly proclaim you know what all kids need, is not going to help anyone.

Johnny might be acting out because his father is a drunk and he beats Johnny's mother every night.
Mary might be acting out because she's a spoiled brat that has grown accustomed to getting what she wants, when she wants.
Jack might be acting out because his mother is dead broke, can only afford to live in bad neighbourhoods, and the local kids are having a horrible effect on Jack's behavior.
Lisa might be acting out because she was recently raped by her uncle which has put her emotions and behavior on a roller coaster ride.

You need to know the problem before you can fix it.

There you go, worrying about the kid's needs. Pussification of america's youth, I tell ya...