Thread Im starting to get fat. anyone interested in a weight loss competition?

Sounds like low carb is your best option if you don't have time to cook most nights.
Now that there is a grater in this house, cheese is on everything

all cheese graters except this style are inferior
Doesn't it depend on what kind of cheese you are grating and for what purpose?

i dunno, i used to have those trapezodial looking graters that you cut your fingerskin off on every time before the rotary, and the rotary is superior in every way.

I even use it for stuff other than cheese. For example, for recipes that call for ginger, heres a little trick. Freeze your ginger (it grates so much better frozen) and put it in the rotary grater like cheese.

Also, if you've never had fresh ginger, you've never had ginger. The dried stuff has the hotness (which is stilll good) left, but none of the flavor.
i dunno, i used to have those trapezodial looking graters that you cut your fingerskin off on every time before the rotary, and the rotary is superior in every way.

I even use it for stuff other than cheese. For example, for recipes that call for ginger, heres a little trick. Freeze your ginger (it grates so much better frozen) and put it in the rotary grater like cheese.

Also, if you've never had fresh ginger, you've never had ginger. The dried stuff has the hotness (which is stilll good) left, but none of the flavor.

I just can't imagine trying to grate a whole lb block of cheddar with that tiny grater. I need a box grater for that. And yes, fresh ginger is the shit. Never thought to freeze it. Thanks for the tip!
No it isnt.
Restaurants put all sorts of godless sauces and all manner of hidden carbs in their meals

I've done low carb, it's not easy but it's much, much easier than counting calories, especially if you're not doing keto. I would just get a steak with a side salad or some broccoli or whatever. Though it's still easier, cheaper, and straight up better for me to just cook at home.
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