GAY I'm sorry Applesauce

In fact i passed on your's and titus' names for mods at bt247, bit over ambitious but i thought it was worth the try.

Are you nuts?

That reminds me. When Ed's mind started to go me he threw it in my face that few peeps wanted me to be a mod. I thought that was pretty funny. I wouldn't have done it if he paid me to.
Are you nuts?

That reminds me. When Ed's mind started to go me he threw it in my face that few peeps wanted me to be a mod. I thought that was pretty funny. I wouldn't have done it if he paid me to.
I voted for you.
Not a vindictive bone in your body.
It's Titus that made me nervous.
That limey slut would have made me move behind Hadrian's Wall.
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Hey!!! you forget, you were cool about being a mod, i had started a convo with all i had nominated to make sure if they were ok and only strings said no.