Thread I'm selling sh!t

I guess I understand sort of... but I'll admit, I let my emotions about this person and their selfish ways (more than just their viewpoint on adoption) cloud my judgement.

It's like the animal shelters, I get all bent out of shape when people don't adopt and rather purchase from a breeder. It breaks my heart that there are animals left in cages dying or in the human sense, kids growing up in abusive foster homes until they age out. Its sad either way and wish we did more of our part to help these kids, that's what community is about right?

If I were to ever want kids (like my mom says I will once I hit 30... welp, I hit it a year ago), I'd be all for adopting. That's just my opinion on how my life should be-- while there are still animals in cages and kids in foster care, I'd rather help them first. :hs:

I get what you are saying, I really do. I've always wanted to adopt truly. Ever since going to Wendy's and seeing their adoption foundation stuff around (for those who don't know, Dave Thomas' daughter, Wendy, was adopted so he was big into that for obvious reasons). I did realize that at a young age I could marry someone who didn't want to adopt. For me, it would never be worth it to push someone to do something they wouldn't want to do. I also realize as I got older that adoption is not easy and can end in heart break.

I also realize that if I did adopt it would be an older child because I don't need a baby. However a friend of mine who has gone through horrible experiences with fertility treatments (lost triplets at 20 weeks - and only 2 embryos were put in so not irresponsible) and before she had her twins live pregnancy/birth, she always said she would need a baby if adopting. She would want that time to bond. I wouldn't need that as I know I could bond so easily with any child that was mine no matter the methods.

Is my friend more selfish? I don't think so. We all know what we are and are not capable of. It's not selfish as long as we are honest and thinking of how it might affect any child.

Now judging the girl for other reasons, I'm all for that ;)
Wow, people get mad up in here.

Just saying, kinda sucks for him....raising someone else's kid wouldn't be something I'd sign up for....but whatevs.

You better keep this opinion to yourself. No wonder why people hate you. I hope you're not this douchey in person and internet is the only place you can whore attention.
We all think we have the right answer, but watch us all be wrong. :fly:


But I'm always right.

:fly: /female


While I can see both sides to the argument and can respect both sides, I do think there is something called tact that always needs to come into play. Feel free to have your opinion, but don't shit on someone for theirs or how they live their life. Don't make them feel bad for what they feel or do.

Unless they deserve it for other reasons :fly:
You better keep this opinion to yourself. No wonder why people hate you. I hope you're not this douchey in person and internet is the only place you can whore attention.

You have to attend sensitivity class dude, for real.

It's not whether you asked the right or the wrong question, it's how you asked it.

okay champ.....seems you got your panties wound up pretty tight. maybe you ought to do some reflection on yourself if that simple question gets you so riled up.
Bleh, reminds me of a story that still irks me.

A friend of ours is getting married to a chick that can't have children so they agree to do a surrogate which is like $20k. I asked a curious question - why not adopt and her response was, "I don't want to raise someone elses kid" with this look of disgust.

I know we aren't supposed to judge, but HOW FUCKING SELFISH can a person be?

Having kids is a selfish reason whether it's through biological, adoptive, invitro, or surrogate means. So, each of us have our own preference and I agree, why not adopt when there are a lot of kids for adoption but if they choose otherwise, it doesn't make them less of a person.
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Having kids is a selfish reason whether it's through biological, adoptive, invitro, or surrogate means. So, each of us have our own preference and I agree, why not adopt when there are a lot of kids for adoption but if they choose otherwise, it doesn't make them less of a person.
It was that look of disgust she gave me when saying she wouldn't adopt that made me angry.
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