Thread I bought an amazon fire stick yesterday with 2 day shipping

I feel like theres a high chance one of the FBKs is too.
Way to play that hunch.
One would think of one spent time online with people he thought might be felons, that individual would play his cards closer to the face to protect those he is obligated to protect.

We wouldn't want anything to happen to you...
Just looking out for your best interest.
Way to play that hunch.
One would think of one spent time online with people he thought might be felons, that individual would play his cards closer to the face to protect those he is obligated to protect.

We wouldn't want anything to happen to you...
Just looking out for your best interest.

that post was a clusterfuck. I feel far less threatened that i would if you had basic control of the english language.

Its difficult to be scary if you're completely incomprehensible.