Helicopter on a turntable


Flaccid Member
Oct 13, 2004
the helicopter is going to attempt to take off, but, the turntable will match the helicopter's blade in reverse. will the helicopter be able to take off?
No. Assuming the helicopter turns with the turntable, and assuming it has a human pilot, nothing would happen due to the pilot being unconscious.
helos spin their blades at RPMs in the hundreds. any turntable moving that fast would throw the craft off because you'd never be able to find the exact center of gravity to keep it on the machine

that being said if you could designed a perfectly spherical helicopter with an identifiable center of mass and a turntable that could spin at 400rpm then no, it wouldn't take off because the rotors are spinning in relation to the body of the aircraft. if the body is moving in the opposite direction the rotors will remain still relative to the atmosphere