Thread Grrr, let's get angry about bikes!

Yes, I'm happy to let them behave as they wish as long as they realize that their actions are putting them at more risk than is necessary. And if a bicyclist fails to obey the laws and i accidentally kill them i would like not to be prosecuted for it. Speeding and not coming to a complete stop are things you do when you know it is safe. Thinking you aren't required to stop at all and the world around you will accommodate you is just stupid. I'm not the one choosing to risk my life. When I am in a situation where I'm risking my life I'm extra careful rather than extra wreckless though.
What're you worried about? Cyclists get killed on purpose by drivers every day and don't get prosecuted for it. You're in the clear.
:lol: He brought the forum? :lol:

What happened to whatshisface, the dragon dildo guy? Why are forums like that always owned by men in the closet with funny sexual preferences who then sell the place to shitbags (Mr 2 I am lokoing at you!)

what was mr2s weird seuxal fetish, and how did you know about it?
if still living in australia......extreme sadness and pity for you

posting on a forum at midnight on Friday night/Saturday morning

I would never post on Friday/Saturday night!! Because even while married with kids, nothing will stop this club princess, sir!

Was it one of those critical mass things or whatever you call it? Hipsters enmasse breaking traffic rules in a giant gang? We have those here.

So this thing is going on all over the country now huh. We have it here too with about 200 bikers out on the road every Monday night.