gimme gimme gimme

Pandora said:
I don't have a physical address. I'm just a part of the Matirx.

Oh look, a little black kitty....

The hell you don't have a physical address. It probably looks something like 00:0E:35:06:F6:B9. You can even determine the manufacturer from the first half of that address.

edit: Hey, you got homosexuals in my MAC address!
edit2: You got MAC address in my homosexuals!
eileenbunny said:
He would be, but I'm not sure he's capable of doing social responsible things. I'm the social director on this ship. I'll probably spank him anyway. Want pics? know me so well...:drool:
lol, I actually dont have an address, we are moving on monday and I dont know where we are moving to lol. Its like a big secret I guess because I have no clue where the freakin house is. Maybe my roommate is trying to ditch me, I should check into this huh? lol
Pandora said:
Good to hear I'm not the only social director. I wonder if that's a mars/venus thing or are we just lucky like that?

both. god forbid something ever happen to me. poor spange wouldn't have a CLUE how to pick up the systems 'round here.
i think i should be worried that someone or something will show up asking for ass but i'll take my chances
inline4 said:
I would give my address out to strangers, but i'm afraid i'd end up with a restraining order again :(

it's only for people who are comfortable doing so.
and i'm no stranger, you dummy. you've been in my HOUSE. :D