GAY Debbie Downer Dumbness

I took over as the president of my daughter's preschool Wednesday of last week. On Thursday I learned the preschool has not filed their taxes in 4 years and their non-profit status was revoked. Now I'm dealing with having to fill out this shitty 28 page tax document and figure out if we are going to have to pay the $20/day in fines. FML
Can you suddenly claim a religious exemption?
I went to 3 proms, but just bought my dress, and got my makeup done at Sephora for free (bought a mascara). And no sxxxy times, the boys were drunk and sloppy lol.

The only expensive dress, I got for half price because they had me window model some of their prom dresses (in a mall). I had to stand still like a mannequin between changes, which is hard for me, plus I'm way shorter than a model, so the shoes--- owww my toes. People crowd around the window and try to make you move/laugh. But the dress was totes worth it!
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i like the part about working.
I had some really cool jobs in high school. Because I was an AV geek in school I got a job with the county doing lighting for county sponsored shows and activities. Then I got a job with a stage and lighting company and got to do lighting for big shows like AC/DC. That was pretty cool. It paid a whole $5 per hour which at the time was more than minimum wage and was great for a 15 year old like me.
I had some really cool jobs in high school. Because I was an AV geek in school I got a job with the county doing lighting for county sponsored shows and activities. Then I got a job with a stage and lighting company and got to do lighting for big shows like AC/DC. That was pretty cool. It paid a whole $5 per hour which at the time was more than minimum wage and was great for a 15 year old like me.

if my xgf's kid didn't quit his job i would've been more inclined to help him. but to lay around everyday and expect to have this expensive date come out of my pocket is a little annoying, imo. and even though his mother will pay me back i convinced her it wasn't a good enough reason to be $1k in the hole. plus, i needs my lil dollars,.. this economy is tricky, yo!
but, when they needed help with moving costs i didn't hesitate.
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I paid around $20 for prom tickets and bought a $30 suit. That was all the money I spent. I'm a cheap son of a cheap son of a bitch.
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I paid around $20 for prom tickets and bought a $30 suit. That was all the money I spent. I'm a cheap son of a cheap son of a bitch.

That doesn't really tell us anything. How are we supposed to know the exchange rate of your planets dollars and our planets dollars?
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My graduating class was had around 100. We all knew each other way too well, and many of them had been in a cohort together since 1st grade (there was a private elementary school that basically matriculates into the 6-8 division where I went to school). I came in as a Freshman, so I was new meat.

We had all the requisite teams, though.