Pics dbzeag's porn collection NWS, obviously


Upon seeing this photo my member stirred briefly. Then I realized he wasn't holding a Nintendo DS; it was, in fact, a ninteen-eighties vintage polaroid camera.

Fuck. You. Polaroid.
OMG, I first said "ewwwww" out loud, not even seeing who posted it, OR what they said. LMAOOO

Thank GOD, it wasn't db's post of the day!!!
As much as I loathe posting in this thread, I have to ask do gay guys get jealous when you check out other guys?

Well for me personally I don't mind if chim for instance checks out real or digital guys, but then again everyone is different.
Well for me personally I don't mind if chim for instance checks out real or digital guys, but then again everyone is different.

You're cool with it as long as he's just yours and occasionally shows them to you too? Guys are just so much more reasonable than girls. Too bad the hairy with no boobs and having a dick thing just kills that thought every time.