Pics dbzeag's porn collection NWS, obviously

I remember when he came out publicly
I :lol:'d so much
I had a friend that was the biggest homophobe youve ever met, and he had Judas Priest Tattoos all over himself
I wonder if he had them removed:fly:

Or he came out himself because Rob was inspiration.
I remember when he came out publicly
I :lol:'d so much
I had a friend that was the biggest homophobe youve ever met, and he had Judas Priest Tattoos all over himself
I wonder if he had them removed:fly:

omg. hahahaha. now THAT is funny.

Really, you should look him up and find out. Heck, you might have a kick ass SNL script out of it.
omg. hahahaha. now THAT is funny.

Really, you should look him up and find out. Heck, you might have a kick ass SNL script out of it.

Because homophobic humor is so revolutionary and trendy and edgy :(

Well I guess tired jokes belong to SNL anyway.
Back to pics. Should I put one a day up, or maybe one model a day? My current collection on my laptop this minute all at once?
I remember when he came out publicly
I :lol:'d so much
I had a friend that was the biggest homophobe youve ever met, and he had Judas Priest Tattoos all over himself
I wonder if he had them removed:fly:

That's hilarous. I loved Judas Priest back in the day and was shocked when I learned he was gay. I was like, "how didn't I see that?" Then I imagined who of the band members he did and what not, and if they were co conspirators.

I'm over it.