crazy family

guess my bro recently did some debating on some radio show, email from him follows:

Hey everyone-

As a few of you know, I was a guest on a christian radio show
recently. As is common for this particular show, we had a civil
debate on some philosophical issues related to the existence of God.
I don't know that this will be enjoyable to everyone; you have to
really like discussion of abstract concepts. But, I thought I would
give you the link so that you can listen if you are so inclined. Here
it is: Show Archives.htm

Under the archives section, the current top listing is "Discussion
with atheist caller Gabriel."

The direct link for just the mp3 is: Show Archives.htm


p.s. the specific topics we covered were free will, the existence of
objective morals, and the nature of rationality (I know, how exciting
can you get!)
guess my bro recently did some debating on some radio show, email from him follows:

Hey everyone-

As a few of you know, I was a guest on a christian radio show
recently. As is common for this particular show, we had a civil
debate on some philosophical issues related to the existence of God.
I don't know that this will be enjoyable to everyone; you have to
really like discussion of abstract concepts. But, I thought I would
give you the link so that you can listen if you are so inclined. Here
it is: Show Archives.htm

Under the archives section, the current top listing is "Discussion
with atheist caller Gabriel."

The direct link for just the mp3 is: Show Archives.htm


p.s. the specific topics we covered were free will, the existence of
objective morals, and the nature of rationality (I know, how exciting
can you get!)

I will listen with anticipation. I use to argue free will (amoung other concepts) with a lawyer friend of mine when we would go out drinking. Usually at a bar near a jesuit university. We would draw a group of listeners and contributors on occasion.