Childhood toys

Childhood toys are such great memories.

I had the typical Barbies, Barbie's TownHouse, Baby Alive (She ate food, pooped and pissed), and my stuffed animals.
I also loved Lincoln Logs and Legos.
We also played a lot of games when I was little. We loved Cootie, Candyland, Operation, Simon and many more.
Mainly though I played outdoors a lot. We rode our bikes, had water balloon fights, played hide and seek, house, built tree forts... just did whatever we could till it grew dusk and had to be home.
ok, i had both the speak and spell and that football game. i think there was a basketball game or something that was just like the football game...
My dad had a bunch of his old Lionel trains from when he was a kid. Some are quite valuable now. I used to play with those before I actually setup a real layout and got to wiring it up and what not.