Thread *casually looks around*

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Maybe things will calm down. I just feel like it is impossible to catch up when I check in here. There's a divide. I'm kinda happy there are actually more people around here who live in my area. If they weren't afraid of internet folk I'd invite them around.
Maybe things will calm down. I just feel like it is impossible to catch up when I check in here. There's a divide. I'm kinda happy there are actually more people around here who live in my area. If they weren't afraid of internet folk I'd invite them around.

Be patient. They'll either integrate, get banned, or go elsewhere.
But only by association with me

I suppose some recognition is in order for your bringing him here. :)

Its crazy busy and I can't keep up either.
A few new ppl WAS nice. Especially the new females...

There's multiple new females? I thought sizzling was the only one to once again GRACE us with her presence.

Operative word: yet.

Maybe if all the M rejects are going to come over in mass we should bring back the newbie initiation subforum :lol:

It would be cool to have an OG sekrat forum so we can preserve what we have and also enjoy all of the new members in the main forum.
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