Beaches be mad about this pic.....


Right? I think attraction is a huge factor in a relationship. If you don't give two shits about gaining 150lbs, how can your partner be expected to stay the same, too?

Thissss. Plus. If you're lazy and ambivalent about self care and maintenance, what else are you indifferent about? It can be a barometer to other issues.

No bueno.
i'm tired too...... drank a redbull with my coffee this morning. got about half way to work then realized i left my car at home.

Okay how the hell do you do that? Unless you work right by your house?

I thought I was tired - though I don't do caffeine so I just run on happy rainbows and crap like that instead :fly:
Or she could have easily put what she had on just for the picture (with a regular pad) and then went back to what she was supposed to be wearing.

Or this. But, wgaf anyway? What gains mass amounts of attention in the media/Internet these days is incredibly mindless.
What is with you people not getting jokes here? Why bother putting smilies in if you don't see that it means someone is being lighthearted or silly.

I was joking about how lucky she was to put cute undies on and nothing more. I was a "mess" and swollen badly due to loads of stitches so cozy was what I needed.

As for why women get mad? It's not anger IMO, it's kind of a jealousy that turns into "rage" Women hate themselves so much that they constantly have to put someone down to make themselves feel better. Women are catty bitches and quite obvious if you read a bunch of posts here even.

What are you talking about?

The pad stuff? I read that comment on a radio station FB profile. Did you mention it??