Food aww yea, it's meat night.


Finally a new goddamn title
Sep 29, 2012
First, hit play. This is the soundtrack for this thread.

So I swing by the grocery store, they had full cyrovac eye of rounds on for $3/lb CAD. I ain't passing that up.


Raven says OOH LOOK AT THE BLOOD IN THAT BAG. She loves raw meat, and hangs out in the kitchen when I'm prepping food, looking for scraps.


OK, lets get started. Step #1, grab a beer, knife, and a cutting board large enough to lay your log of meat on. Today's brew is "Many Hands", a "fuck it" beer a few local microbrews got together and did, each brewery throwing in ingredients without the others knowing just to see what happens. The result is a weird ass IPA.


Hacked off about a 3lb chunk. Look at that beauty:


Slather it with a bit of Worcestershire sauce (not too much, just wipe it on) then pat a bunch of steak spice into it. Don't buy steak spice, hit a bulk food store for some whole spices, buy a pepper grinder and make some montreal steak spice, recipe is here:


What are we doing with this chunk of cheap meat? Oh, time to break out the foodsaver, it's sous vide time. Ziploc makes awesome refills for foodsaver machines - better than the genuine ones, and 100x better than the flimsy plastic ones I bought off amazon that fold up instead of triggering the foodsaver when I jam them into the machine. Anyway, it's sealed up. Toss it in the fridge while you do some other shit.


On to meat chunk #2. I cut about a 2lb chunk off the roast, then trimmed off the fat and silverskin on the outside. That's right, we're making jerky.


Meat scraps never go to waste in this house. Normally I save them for beef stock or pho, but tonight I'm frying them up for the dags. This is why owning a dog is awesome, feed them something like this and they'll sook up to you for the rest of the night to say thanks. There's a doberman head across my lap as I type this.


Back to the jerky. Some people make suggestions like "freeze it for 15 minutes, then use a serrated knife", or god forbid, use a meat slicer... fuck that shit. Get yourself a good quality kitchen knife like this full tang Grohmann, keep it sharp (I get my knives professionally sharpened) and give it a quick strop before you get started.


Cut the meat along the grain into various sized scraps. End result:


Time to make a marinade. This is one of my favorites on everything from beef to pork to salmon, 1/4c of maple syrup and 2 tbsp of dijon mustard, combined with about a pound of meat. I'm mixing it with half the meat I cut up.


For the other pound of meat, I'm using 1/4c of honey, 3 cloves of garlic, about a tablespoon worth of Kikkoman soy sauce and about 2tsp of Sriracha for a dab of heat. All bagged up and ready to go in the fridge, they're marinating overnight and going on the dehydrator before I head to work.


Now, back to the sous vide. For this job I'm using my sans francs sous vide setup, a cheap PID temperature controller I borrowed from work and have hooked up to a thrift store crock pot. We'll be cooking for about 18 hours at 130F, I'll haul it out when I get home from work tomorrow.


She's warmed up, in goes the meat.


What's left on the eye of round (about 2-3 lbs worth) is going in the fridge for now, I'm picking up some kiwis or asian pears or something tomorrow and making some bulgogi type of thing.
Roast is out! Seared it in the cast iron pan, added a pat of butter to the pan and spooned the butter over it for a few minutes until I couldn't handle how beautiful it looked. Then I let it rest for a minute or so, and cut into it... perfection. Reminds me of beef filet.

Do vegetarians/vegans ever feel this way when they're cutting into a roasted eggplant or something, or do their lives really suck that much?


Loadin' up the plate. Gordon Ramsay has a "ultimate steak sandwich" recipe, I stole the tomato relish for it, using tomatoes from my garden - - it's damn good, I highly recommend it.


Finished plate, threw on some fried mushrooms/onions done in the cast iron pan after the meat came out, and some steamed broccoli. Tonight's beer is a pumpkin IPA from a local brewery, which tastes way too good for an 8% beer. If you're a white yuppie chick looking to get wasted, highly recommended.


And the jerky's done. Honey one probably could have marinated longer, but the maple/mustard one came out great.


Look at those meat fibers, this jerky is made for chewing. No Lucy, you can't have some.

  • Gravy
Reactions: Duke
I didn't post the 3rd outcome - I cut up the remaining roast into strips, found a korean bulgogi marinade and marinated it for two days. Fried it up last night, frig it was good.

Plan now is to pick up another eye of round roast and do the exact same thing. Except maybe try some sort of mustard slather on the sous vide, find a couple other jerky recipes, and marinate the rest for some skewers or something.
Looks good, bro.

I think Dad and I finally successfully copied Smithfield BBQ's East North Carolina BBQ. We used to always get it when we went up to DC or Williamsburg, then I continued to stop in when I was stationed in DC and would come home. Nice to have it again
Looks good, bro.

I think Dad and I finally successfully copied Smithfield BBQ's East North Carolina BBQ. We used to always get it when we went up to DC or Williamsburg, then I continued to stop in when I was stationed in DC and would come home. Nice to have it again
Intriguing. Details/recipe?