You'd have AADD if you had anything, and in todays society it would have been noticed before now. Best still get yourself checked out, you act the welt on here anyway, perhaps this could be the manifestation of it?
shawndavid said:
I think I have it.

I'm trying to study and am failing miserably...d*mn intarweb

Yeah! you have it BAD! (inability to sleep, drag queen auditions, on the web and not studying). You should have taken an online class :)
fly said:
Q: How many ADD kids does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

A: Wanna go ride bikes?

There's a song played on a local radio station here that is about ADD. Funniest thing I've heard in a while. However it's too controversial that they don't put it on their website for download :(
gottoys? said:
Yeah! you have it BAD! (inability to sleep, drag queen auditions, on the web and not studying). You should have taken an online class :)

I told him to take the online class as well... he said he "liked" school to much to take classes online.

I wish he would share some of whatever he is smoking. :(