100 Pushups Challenge - Wanna join Ape and me?

When replying, please try to post which day you're doing. We're all a little staggered here and it will make tracking easier. <3


And the list shrinks further! Good work to those who are sticking with it. We'll show Shalimar! :p
Since I've fallen behind I'm going to start week 3 over, then maybe I'll have a chance at week 5 when I get there. I shall lock the kids out of my room and do them this morning.
Since I've fallen behind I'm going to start week 3 over, then maybe I'll have a chance at week 5 when I get there. I shall lock the kids out of my room and do them this morning.

Ya, week three is a killer. I guess Im getting better, cause I found week 4 to be "easier". Even though its more pushups obviously.
Since I've fallen behind I'm going to start week 3 over, then maybe I'll have a chance at week 5 when I get there. I shall lock the kids out of my room and do them this morning.

I'm starting week 3 over again also. I've been pukin everywhere and haven't been able to do them.