Baby Any parent's think they'd do this?

Teaching kids to swim? Yes I highly encourage that. That baby is REALLY rare, though, that water doesn't scare her and she can flip over.
I remember a documentary maybe 15 years ago where they had mothers and really, really young babies in the pool. The babies instinctively held their breath underwater and managed to swim fine. We seem to unlearn a natural ability as we get older somehow.
The point is to teach them before they become afraid of water.

Oh, I am all for putting a child in water early, but I don't know of any child that can roll onto their back so easily and relaxed as that. Using that as the swim technique to get air is really weird.
That's AWESOME! Why would anyone be like, "I dunno about that age, though"???

If anything happens, there is obviously someone there to jump in and take care of it.
Babies should be taught to swim at a few months, and they are naturals. They were doing it for months before being squeezed through a skin chute. Blow a puff of air in their face (it makes them hold their breath), and then dunk them. Peek under water and you'll see them smiling and kicking and all kinds of stuff. We've been doing this for thousands of years, you know.
I know for sure that I'll be teaching my kids proper use of an apostrophe at a very young age.

</grammar nazi>
Sam is a pretty good swimmer. She took her first lessons at 6 months and doesn't mind being under water at all. I hope she's as good as this kid by the end of this summer.

It took a little while to get Dominic comfortable in water, but he's good now. He can crawl stroke 20 feet now (obviously not that efficiently) We're working on teaching him how to breath while still swimming though as he wants to stop when he breathes.