[Article] Article: raw feeding

You shouldn't. You turn every conversation you have into an argument. It's not the topic.
It's you.

See there you go again with your retarded bullshit. It takes more than one person to argue. every time Carys expresses an opinion you decide she's stating things as fact and start up again. You really need to get a life loser.
See there you go again with your retarded bullshit. It takes more than one person to argue. every time Carys expresses an opinion you decide she's stating things as fact and start up again. You really need to get a life loser.


Aww, daddy not want to deal wit widdle babies huwt feewings tonight?

Your words are like background music to my increasing laughter.

PS. I wasn't the one who gave her the nickname of 'the wall'. She earned that from others for exactly the reasons you seem to think aren't her doing.
Also GH0ST I forgot to mention behavioural benefits as well as medical ones. Countless dogs are 'hyperactive' or lack concentration due to the additives in many branded foods, when they switch to a raw diet or a better quality food these issues disappear within a week. It's one of the important questions I ask whenever someone asks for training or behavioural advice.

Aww, daddy not want to deal wit widdle babies huwt feewings tonight?

Your words are like background music to my increasing laughter.

PS. I wasn't the one who gave her the nickname of 'the wall'. She earned that from others for exactly the reasons you seem to think aren't her doing.

Pathetic little loser troll. You are the one who jumps in and argues for no reason. Keep it up and you'll soon be as big a loser douche online as I'm told you are IRL. You think you hurt Carys' feelings? You deluded prat. Neither she nor I give a toss what you think. You're just an annoying little mosquito buzzing round and contributing nothing meaningful. Go get laid loser.
Pathetic little loser troll. You are the one who jumps in and argues for no reason. Keep it up and you'll soon be as big a loser douche online as I'm told you are IRL. You think you hurt Carys' feelings? You deluded prat. Neither she nor I give a toss what you think. You're just an annoying little mosquito buzzing round and contributing nothing meaningful. Go get laid loser.

I don't know what you are going on about, but you should probably stop drinking. I could give a shit less about Crusty or her feelings. I just care about the fact that she has become the new Liam and shits up the place with her prattle.

I can also see where that nightmare of a spawn you created get's her winning vernacular.
It's also funny as the only people who have met me IRL are April and Zac, well and your nightmare spawn. So, you are saying April and Zac are saying I'm a loser IRL?

Are you really throwing them under your temper tantrum bus?
No temper tantrum here, just a few home truths. I can honestly say that after the way you've behaved lately ( and I must admit I've been surprised as I always thought you were OK till recently) I would happily travel all the way to Tampa and still choose not to meet up with you. Whilst I don't expect you to care at all about that, you might, just for a minute want to think about how unlikeable you must be behaving to make someone feel like that. Or you might not want to introspect. If I were you I probably wouldn't.
No temper tantrum here, just a few home truths. I can honestly say that after the way you've behaved lately ( and I must admit I've been surprised as I always thought you were OK till recently) I would happily travel all the way to Tampa and still choose not to meet up with you. Whilst I don't expect you to care at all about that, you might, just for a minute want to think about how unlikeable you must be behaving to make someone feel like that. Or you might not want to introspect. If I were you I probably wouldn't.

The people that I do care about get treated quite well. Sorry you are so hurt that you weren't included in that membership role, but I expect you'll learn to cope.

But when I find someone to be beneath contempt, I have zero issue letting them know why. Instead of thinking the problem is all on this side of the pond, may I invite you to point that introspective little microscope you are currently felating towards your hellspawn.