Thread So what is everyone dressing up as for Halloween?


So you take something that constipates you and then something that makes you go? Why don't you just not take anything or try things without the pooping side effects?

i dont take them together. that would be silly. WORLDS COLLIDE!!!!

i have honestly tried really really hard not to take laxxies these past couple of months... i mean i take them but not as much as i used to ... and the percs are almost never.
mind you, if a pile of them landed on my lap i'd prob start popping them.
outta sight, outta mind... so I'm just not even thinking about them
I know I'm doing myself a disservice here but I REALLY don't want to google it so I'm gonna ask, what is a hot carl?

According to Fly it's this

one could never have enough percs.

i love percs more than laxatives.
percs make me feel warm and fuzzy, laxatives make me feel empty. they both serve their purpose.

:fly: I remember when we played doctor you were my patient & I prescribed percs & sent them to Canadidia. :fly:
On Friday I walked into my friend's apartment before we went to a house party and said "I don't have a costume." 10 minutes later I was wearing my friend's labcoat and goggles.

On saturday my friends put Mickey Mouse ears on me so I guess I was a mouse or some shit. I didn't want to see how dumb I looked so I don't have any pictures
I didn't see where this was answered... and correct me if I'm wrong... but a hot carl is when you take a dump on someone's bare chest. A hot plate is when you take a dump on someone's bare chest but with ceran wrap underneath, yeah?