WTF What car should I get?

I saw a Nissan Juke yesterday in a dorm parking lot and damn they are weird looking. It made me think of a gremlin.



THAT is friggin awesome

No, the most freaking awesome thing that ever happened in that car.....

We were drivng in town, a couple blocks from our house, and we came to a four way stop... there was an old jalopy pickup full of messicans that took their turn going straight, we turned left (behind them) and damned if those buggers didn't PULL OVER TO THE SIDE OF THE ROAD after we got behind them. We drove by them giving them the totally :shifty: I guess they saw it was a family in the car and not the cops so they got back on the road and went on their way...


And this has happened more than once, we're driving down the road, and come up on a person, who actually pulls over

omg I love The Beast
I can't believe the price some of these people are asking for these crap cars.
The used car market is all sorts of fucked up. When people are keeping their cars for 10.8 years at a time, a 5 year old car is worth way more than it should be.
The used car market is all sorts of fucked up. When people are keeping their cars for 10.8 years at a time, a 5 year old car is worth way more than it should be.

a zillion of them were destroyed by obama's incentive thing too