GAY Good 9/11 Conspiracies

Where did I say I knew more than these professional? Or imply that?

And while your at it, please answer this question I asked of you earlier:
Well you started out with this.
Ok. I'll start with this one. How come there is no video footage of a plane hitting the pentagon?
No footage means none. Absolutely zero. Until I posted The Pentagon tape released to the BBC and stuff, which if course wasn't good enough. Then I found the videos from the Pentagon, the Citigo Gas Station, and the Doubletree Hotel. As posted by me several days ago:
I finally found the group that got the FBI and DoD to release footage. I was wrong before, there is actually video from The Pentagon, a Citgo Gas Station, and a from a Doubletree Hotel. It never says "5 frames" specifically, which makes sense since video cameras are progressive scan, but just to do some ballpark math: cruising speed of 747 is 555 mph, that's 814ish feet per second, if the camera covered maybe a 100 foot wide strip and was running at 24p (which is fast for a security camera), it means the plane crossed the field of vision in less than 0.125 of a second-ish, .125 of 24 (frames) is 3 frames. So 5 frames would be A LOT of video actually.
Holy shit, and with math! Also if you even increase the FOV of the camera to 200ft you still only get 6 frames of video.

3 people who work for various parts of the government, or even the same part, have all posted that there is a heavy emphasis on physical security and cameras are not a priority. We're all wrong though, and it is "useless information." So the implication is that you know more. Duh.

I post questions hoping people will show me the answers. Some have and I have questioned the answers. Some questions have not been answered. I'm just trying to discuss this with people here. The only think going on here is just me asking questions that I would like to see answers to.
Help people understand the data, ask questions to help me understand the data.
due to the amount of questionable data out there.
omfg. seriously. ZRH is now claiming yet again that I'm doing something that I'm not. I've asked this guy to point out everything he's claimed I've done and all he does is ignore me and continue to claim shit I haven't done. All the while Semper goes off on me claiming I'm just here trying to cause arguments. WELL THEN WHAT THE FUCK IS ZRH doing?

This is fucking insane.
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By your rationale about this whole thing we should never discuss anything controversial here on this forum because we are never going to come up with answers. We shouldn't venture to ask questions of have opinions on the off chance that we might be wrong. We should google everything before talking because researching every little detail is our responsibility and we could never ever see fit to ask anyone else the answer to our questions. I guess instead of hiring that plumber I should just google plumbing and figure out how to do it myself or instead of hiring a financial adviser I should learn everything there is to know about finance all by myself too because talking to other people about it is a waste of your time.

But I like to discuss things with other people because they might just have a different perspective or different insight than I do. I listen and learn from it. Sometimes I even pay people to do things I don't want to do (I know, shocking really). I think recently you have become really difficult and you need to either just discuss or back off and stop calling people names and stuff. You are also talking to Liam like he was the only one in on the Pentagon debate when I'm the one who jumped in with all the specific bs and questioned the people who said they've worked in security, not him.

You've become defensive and mean and I really can't even figure it out. I used to like listening to your opinions because they were strong. Now it's just "you are pathetic" and "you are a fucking asshole..." and insults at everyone who wants to discuss this right off the bat. Why not just be a little bit nicer? If you believe there is irrefutable evidence that the official story is the one that happened and it is easy to locate, why not just post all that evidence here and move on or just say "hey, all this information you are asking about is out there and all you have to do is google x & y and you will find it" and move on?

yeah I dunno. I think I needed to vent. I'm sorry everyone, I was being a dickpotato. mea culpa
Porky was the one telling us that it doesn't matter what we say because we don't have inside facts. He's also the one engaging in baseless speculation. You gotta read what people are replying to dude.

Opinions cannot be wrong or right. The problem is when people try to cast their opinions as facts, or theories, which can actually have a truth value.

No, you shouldnt tell people who know more than you that they are wrong because you dont agree with them. That is the problem.

That was me not FlyNavy.

It's been posted, the information you are talking about, and it was dismissed without even reviewing it. That is why people are pissed. Why should we entertain speculation from people who won't even read the severely in depth answers provided. It's just like the Security tape thing in the begining. It went from "No footage at all ever," then dismissing the well publicized footage I posted because "omg only 5 frames" which I pointed out mathematically makes sense based on the recording speed and the speed of the plane, which never even got a reply, then I found THIRD party footage from places nearby (gas station and hotel) which was also dismissed.

That is why people are pissed.

I'm not sure why you replied to something that wasn't directed at you, but I'm also not sure why you are pissed off. Whatever, you get pissed off at everything. I thought about responding to your post, but then I got tired and by the next day I was so dismayed by all the name calling and nastiness I completely forgot. If you want to be civilized and have a debate without personal attacks I'd be happy to, but I don't believe you are capable. The WORST thing I've said to you in this thread is that I thought you'd be surprised by pentagon security measures. I just don't see what's to get so pissed about. Why not relax and have a nice conversation rather than getting all upset and mean?
I'm not sure why you replied to something that wasn't directed at you, but I'm also not sure why you are pissed off. Whatever, you get pissed off at everything. I thought about responding to your post, but then I got tired and by the next day I was so dismayed by all the name calling and nastiness I completely forgot. If you want to be civilized and have a debate without personal attacks I'd be happy to, but I don't believe you are capable. The WORST thing I've said to you in this thread is that I thought you'd be surprised by pentagon security measures. I just don't see what's to get so pissed about. Why not relax and have a nice conversation rather than getting all upset and mean?
I've never been nasty to you. o_O Just trying to point out why people aren't discussing things, it's really because of one poster. Also I don't call people names until they cross that line, in case you hadn't noticed I get a lot of abuse for pointing out simple facts that apparently bruise people's egos. Then yeah I won't even try talking, there's no point.

ETA: Paragraphs traditionally advance a series of ideas to a point.
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I've never been nasty to you. o_O Just trying to point out why people aren't discussing things, it's really because of one poster. Also I don't call people names until they cross that line, in case you hadn't noticed I get a lot of abuse for pointing out simple facts that apparently bruise people's egos. Then yeah I won't even try talking, there's no point.

ETA: Paragraphs traditionally advance a series of ideas to a point.

Just pointing this out, the first name calling and personal attack in this thread came from you, not Liam.
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So? I wanted to get a jump on what it always turns into.

Way to show some maturity. I applaud you. You know, I think it would be okay for me if you were funny or amusing or interesting or something. I wish I could sleep. I wish that this weren't the most interesting thing I had to do with my time right now. Why am I awake? Ugh.

Anyway, I guess I'll get back to the topic at hand and go back to your post with the interesting video footage and think about it for a little. I still have questions. Maybe I'll google the answers since you say they are out there.
ZRH, please show me where in the footage you posted that it shows a plane. I have looked at all the footage you posted and can not see a plane at all. I do see an explosion, but I don't see a plane. Because I don't see a plane I judge the footage as questionable, not because I don't understand the footage.
It looked something like this:

I'm not sure why you replied to something that wasn't directed at you, but I'm also not sure why you are pissed off. Whatever, you get pissed off at everything. I thought about responding to your post, but then I got tired and by the next day I was so dismayed by all the name calling and nastiness I completely forgot. If you want to be civilized and have a debate without personal attacks I'd be happy to, but I don't believe you are capable. The WORST thing I've said to you in this thread is that I thought you'd be surprised by pentagon security measures. I just don't see what's to get so pissed about. Why not relax and have a nice conversation rather than getting all upset and mean?

Eileen. :heart:
I'm not sure why you replied to something that wasn't directed at you, but I'm also not sure why you are pissed off. Whatever, you get pissed off at everything. I thought about responding to your post, but then I got tired and by the next day I was so dismayed by all the name calling and nastiness I completely forgot. If you want to be civilized and have a debate without personal attacks I'd be happy to, but I don't believe you are capable. The WORST thing I've said to you in this thread is that I thought you'd be surprised by pentagon security measures. I just don't see what's to get so pissed about. Why not relax and have a nice conversation rather than getting all upset and mean?

All I know is that when I'm freaking out on a bad acid trip, I want eileen there to talk me down. Her cute as a bunny logic would have me to sleep in no time. :heart:
All I know is that when I'm freaking out on a bad acid trip, I want eileen there to talk me down. Her cute as a bunny logic would have me to sleep in no time. :heart:

I know! I was just telling Zac how I'm enjoying Eileens spunkiness on the forum while riding the hormonal rollercoaster.... SOMEHOW she manages to still be uber logical. :fly:
The government has a history of false flag operations to get what it wants. Just look at the 2nd Gulf of Tonkin incident that was used to help start the Vietnam War. records show doubts&st=cse

If the US government didn't have a hand in it then they had knowledge of it and purposely stood down to let some of it happen. Look at how quickly they had a list of the hijackers and most of them had at some point had some training with agencies tied back to our own government.