Tatooine Thread

The round center is a stylistic sun with pointed rays. It symbolizes my son. The basilica stonework architectural elements within the sun symbolize faith and add visual interest to the central space. The "flower petals" of the stonework were inspired by the tri-form infinity symbol favored by Norse cultures. The vines on the right symbolize health and growth. The fire on the little sickle blade to the left represents warmth, and passion.


3 hours in, at least 9 to go. The image is reversed from the proof due to mirror reflection. He tattooed my scar on the right. :Giggle:


8 hours in. Ignore the ingrown hair above the nip. Stupid shaving.

Just out of curiousity, why only shave that much of your chest? won't it grow in akwardly because just one part is shaved, the other au naturale? (That is a hypothetical question, yes it will grow unevenly. I recommend shaving the rest off as well and let it all grow back evenly).