Tatooine Thread

Hep A
Hep B
Hep C

I think it kinda wins.

You forgot HPV. It's all like acronyms and stuff. I mean, Chlamydia sounds pretty, like a flower. "hi honey, I brought you a big bouquet of chlamydia!" or "hi honey, I brought you this beautiful hepatitis" Which is more likely to win you over? I'll take chlamydia any day. And I'm from Maryland. We love crabs here!
The strep is pretty bad actually and now I have a really fun infection that resulted from taking antibiotics so now I gotta wait until I can stop taking antibiotics before treating the next thing. Poor IBWIP.

<cue the point I fly in to save the day>

Sarcasmo, here's your future wife.
Juli wants a little chili pepper tattoo on her butt. I'm partial to it because it's going to be tiny.

Anything more = divorce papers..