WTF Obama is crazy for sayin it, but good for him. v.WTC

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Fuck all this banter about America and what it's doing wrong.

I am taking fly and our four cats and we are moving to a remote part of the world without silly taxes and support systems. We're adult enough to make a life on our own... fuck the others that need assistance. I'm not here on this earth to be your fucking mother, you fucking useless, needy cunts. Quit looking for a handout, quit waiting on the government to wipe your fucking ass... Get over yourself and stop letting ODS be your unicorn in a fucking alligator skinned speedo. Just fucking keep to your god damned selves and enjoy your life without tarnishing others because you can't pull your fucking weight.


You hate people that don't want to be forced to h3lp others? I want to do it on my on accord, damn it. Give me liberty or give me defff.


America is SUPPOSED to be about freedom. and that freedom consists of being able to choose if you want to h3lp your neighbor or not. Being forced to h3lp thru taxes, etc is not freedom. It's human instinct to h3lp your species and it is also human instinct to be greedy and abuse the system. I am not saying we, as Americans, need to turn away from the people that need h3lp. If you think that, you are not understanding us. We just don't want a system that forces our hard-earned money into the hands of unaccountable people and unfortunately, that IS America right now. :(

It is human nature to h3lp those around you, having a system in place just harbors abuse of that system. We're adults here and I expect to be treated like an adult. I give time and money when I can on top of what is funneled away from my check and most people do the same. If you don't believe that and think people need that system then you have less faith in the human population than me.

Don't fucking bitch about America, we h3lp every country out there that needs h3lp . We're the highest donor for the flood in Pakistan right now. Ungrateful.

Did you not read my post? That is not freedom to do as we wish, that is not what our country is supposed to be about.

Why do we have to be forced to help others? I love helping, just not when an "authority" forces me to.

I am grateful, but it is being ripped away each time a policitcian wants to reexamine the amendments.


I think I luv u. :fly: :heart:
You know that the mosque is already there, right? It wasn't destroyed. It's already there. In a building.

No the mosque is twelve blocks away. Where this radical imam wants to build was a former Burlington Coat factory. Part of the fuselage and one of the landing gears from the plane that flew into the South Tower crashed through the roof of said factory.

It's called religious freedom for a reason. Are you suggesting that he not have his beliefs?

So he's fighting for what he believes in. I find it ironic that you take umbrage with that.

Yet this same imam, if he had his way would have us all practicing Islam as our faith. Not just any version Islam, but his version of Islam or death.

The Constitution makes no exclusion for radical Islam. How many churches are in your town? Has your mayor banned the building of any new ones yet?

Nice straw man argument. :rolleyes: None of the Founding Fathers would make a deal with the devil.

But if that's what the majority of people wanted, they built a system into the Constitution to allow it.

Have you looked at any polls on the subject? It doesn't matter if it NYC poll or nationwide poll. The majority of Americans are against it. While the Constitution is supposed to protect the minority against the tyranny of the majority. In this case the majority is right.

The Cynical Brilliance of Imam Rauf
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I don't expect shit from other people.

And Atheism has not killed more.

Look at all the wars started over religion.
French religious wars
Thirty year war.

Bullsh*t, the church of state aka atheism aka secular humanism has killed more people other than WWII or WWI. Even if you add up all the deaths from the Crusades, French religious wars, Thirty Years war, et cetera I doubt the number would even approach 1 million. The weapon were not meant for mass slaughter nor was the general population targeted. Hell Stalin killed ~ this many the Holodomor
it doesn't take a rocket scientist to piece this together

racist? check
christian? check
conservative? check
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