

Messin’ with Sasquatch
Apr 22, 2005
So, my parents are coming down for Thanksgiving. It won't be a huge crowd, maybe 7-8 adults and 3 kids. Kyle talked about frying a turkey, but decided we don't care enough to spend the money on the fryer and oil, but he doesn't want to just do a standard, so I'm looking for somewhat non traditional Thanksgiving ideas. Not toooooo gourmet, but my sister that actually likes cooking will be here, so it can be a little gourmet. Any ideas? What are/were your Thanksgiving menus?
Thank god for you kiwi. I hate when people move right on to xmas and forget about Halloween and thanksgiving. thread voted up
Pick a theme. My family has been doing this for the past few Thanksgivings. We've had italian, seafood, traditional, etc.
I will be watching a cat and drinking heavily.

The answer is obvious. Cook a turducken.

Simmons: (Explaining a Turducken) It's a chicken in a duck in a turkey.
Church: You know, because the holiday isn't quite gluttonous enough on its own.
Grif: Sounds awesome, is that what we're having?
Sarge: Nope. Although impressive, I decided they stopped short when designing the turducken.
Church: Yeah. They seem like real underachievers there.
Sarge: So I decided to make my own variety.
Church: What's that, a polecat stuffed in a possum?
Sarge: Nope, first we start with a hummingbird-
Grif: A what?
Sarge: Put that in a sparrow, stuff them both in a cornish hen, then put that in a chicken. Put all that in a duck, then a turkey, then in a bigger turkey.(Picture shows Michael Moore)
Grif: Two turkeys?
Sarge: Hey, it's Thanksgiving. Put that in a penguin, stuff that in a peacock, then an eagle, shove it all in an albatross, then an emu, next comes an ostrich, then a leopard! Put all that in a pterodactyl, and then stuff it in a Boeing 747.
Church: (Short Pause) Cool. I get a wing.
Simmons: I call the turbine.
Sarge: Alright! Hunker up boys, hey Grif! What kinda meat do you like? First class, or coach?
Church: You know if we cook this thing at three hundred and fifty degrees at ten minutes a pound, it's not gonna be done for 11 years.
Sarge: That's why we're going to deep fry. (Oil Tanker Horn) There's the oil now!
Simmons: What was the leopard for?
Sarge: Presentation.
We will be going to Columbia, MD to my Brother-In-Law's place. What he cooks there, I don't know yet. My parents might drive up there as well. It will also be Dominic's birthday that weekend.