Polo: I'm calling you out

Same here, it's the look in Polo's eye in all of the pictures I've seen of him that creeps me out a little. Onno just seems like a big teddy bear.

but he looks like harry potter!

Polo's practically royalty. His family had a castle. A fairy castle. He's not being a dick, he was (in)bred to be superior to us.
I dunno onno, I find polo a little creepier.
so polo's only a Little bit More creepier than me.

seriously on a scale of 1-10 how creepy do I actually come off as?

I mean shit I don't exactly stalk anyone on here nor do I hit on every woman. so why am I even close to being creepy?

and why is it that polo can't see to tell the diffrence between me and animepark? or are all anime nerds the same?