Fallout 3

The guy that wants you to blow up Megaton.

Actually now that I think about it, Im almost at 10 penny tower, I think I'll nuke it, then go back to a save before it. I usually play nice the first time around, then mean the 2nd...

lol no , havent talked to that guy yet
I wandered around megaton and picked up a couple of little side missions , thats about it.
I just went back into the school so I can wander around the in mine some more.
Man, I had JUST beat like 5 raiders asses, and gotten a sniper rifle from their leader, then I mis-stepped and fell like 100 to my death through a crack in the road on an overpass:fly:
Well, I know its there now, Ill go back for it later.
Then how the hell do you know all this? LOL And why haven't I run into this school yet?

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So I think I'm going to nuke the city. I feel bad doing it and Im sure Im gonna lose a shitload of karma - but its gonna be cool as hell.


I was on the fence about buying it this week, but no longer. I love nuking things.
Yes ass, but I don't understand how the RADS effect me or where my level of radiation shows up on the HUD...

Does it affect my HP? Does it give me mutant strength? How much irradiated water can I drink? etc

The radiation meter is in the upper right hand corner with a red graph.

You can get radiation from water, food, standing next to the Megaton bomb, ect..

Your robot butler in Megaton or Tenpenny Towers will give you clean water ~once a week.

I don't want to spoil anything for anyone, but there are adverse AND positive effects from radiation exposure. It is easy enough to remove. I rarely pay attention to it honestly. It is easy enough to avoid. And you get updates when you reach certain levels i.e 200 rad, 500 rad, etc. So going from 0 to 1000 rad without noticing is impossible

having alot of radiation reduces your stats
when doing the wasteland survival guide getting 600 radiation will net you a perk that revives your limbs when in crit rad status
Is this an open game? Can I just wander endlessly or does it suffer from Questitis and Invisible Barrier Syndrome?

I'm not asking if I can walk to Australia, just if the play area consists of open countryside, lots of towns, open buildings, etc. that I am free to explore as much as I want. Is it populated with lots of creatures that are worth killing?