Dead Space

Mean Mr. Mustard

Always shouts out something obscene
Sep 30, 2004
For those who dont know:

Grabbed the360 version Dead Space after work today.
From what Ive read its supposed to combine some of my favorite video game shit in one, exploration, customization, freaky story, and a whole lot of WTF

Played about 3 or so hours, heres my impressions on that short time with the game.

Graphics - Just awesome. There is so much detail it amazing. Theres trash laying around, posters on the wall, the whole environment just feels real and lived in. Creatures are nicely detailed and animated, and the gore is crazy.
On a beefy PC I bet it looks unreal.

Sound/Ambiance - Creepy as hell. The voice acting is adequate. When you make the guy run too far you can hear him panting inside his suit. Pretty cool.
One weird thing, when you use the "store" theres a weird, subtle voice in the background saying "use the safe". Creepy. Youll understand when you hear it.

Controls - It controls the same as Gears of War. Over the shoulder deal. It works pretty good. The menus are awesome tho. You dont jump to a new screen to look at your inventory/maps/etc , It just sort of projects out into the air in front of you, and the game doesnt pause. It sound iffy, but when you see it in action, its really slick, and if a bad guy comes at you while youre in it, you can pop out really quick, so its not a big deal.

Gameplay - Since its "survival horror", youre not fighting waves of monsters all at once. Maybe a few at a time. Weapons and armor are upgadeable. Ive only gotten 2 of the weapons so far, and they seem adequate for shooting shit. Also, you cant just blast the fuck out of the monsters at random, the best way is to target their arms and legs, so you have to think about where youre shooting. Makes things more intense.
Saves are done by check points AND manual save spots that are scattered around. Theres plenty of them, so your never have to go far to save.

Overall - If you like space-themed games and shooting monsters and generally scary shit, then get this game. The whole thing seems very thought out and polished, which is rare for a game these days.

I give it four out of five buttholes.

Ill answer any questions I can.
Am I right that there isn't a hud? Just some kind of life meter on the back of the dude's suit?

o yeah, thats right, there no real hud
The lights on the dudes back show his health and a couple of other things,
and you can see how much ammo you have by a small projection just above the weapon as you aim it. Its really slick.
Son of a bitch. I may have to abandon my principles and pick up this game, even though EA can suck an egg for including something as stupid as that activation-based DRM shit. Goddammit.
Activation based. From what I understand after you install the game a few times you have to call EA and beg them to allow you to install it again. It isn't like iTunes where you can de-authorize a computer in order to add another. And god help you if they ever go out of business or stop supporting the title. The game won't work anymore.
I'm not really. I don't even know where to go to do so.

(5 consecutive two-letter words ending in o. Beat that.)