Hospital Charges

Fuck I just had to pick my MOM UP AND IT WAS A $100 DEDUCTIIBLE. Rapists.

EDIT: From the ER. (SHES FINE)

Who the hell goes to the ER on purpose o_O

I went for the first time ever in April, because I slaughtered my foot and none of the nurses/medics I know had tetanus vaccine for humans available. Paid $170 cash lol
I have a 10,000 bill to a local hospital here .. and they didn't do anything for me. I went to a Chiropractor, with their xrays (the hospitals) and he found the problem in 3 seconds and fixed it over a 3 month period (I had a twisted vertebre in my neck).

(the hospital did 3 cat scans, 4 xrays, and some other things (over a month's period) .. didn't ever "see" the problem. I thought I was dying)

I refuse to pay them .. since all they did was give me drugs that did nothing except make me sleepy.

Hospitals suck.
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I have a 10,000 bill to a local hospital here .. and they didn't do anything for me. I went to a Chiropractor, with their xrays (the hospitals) and he found the problem in 3 seconds and fixed it over a 3 month period (I had a twisted vertebre in my neck).

(the hospital did 3 cat scans, 4 xrays, and some other things (over a month's period) .. didn't ever "see" the problem. I thought I was dying)

I refuse to pay them .. since all they did was give me drugs that did nothing except make me sleepy.

Hospitals suck.
You arent disputing that they actually took cat scans and whatnot though. You pay to play, not for 'customer satisfaction.' It's like refusing to pay for a movie at the theatre because it sucked; doesnt matter if you liked it, you still saw it.

I'd count myself lucky they havent killed your credit and sold your bill to a collections agency.
It's like refusing to pay for a movie at the theatre because it sucked; doesnt matter if you liked it, you still saw it.

Unless it was Passion of the Christ, you can take a road trip to Mel Gibson's house and steal 18 dollars out of his wallet.
It's like refusing to pay for a movie at the theatre because it sucked; doesnt matter if you liked it, you still saw it.

Actually ... if you don't like the movie you saw .. if you go to the office and tell them .. they'll give you your money back, or a voucher for another movie ticket.

They might have done the tests, but they did not use them. If they had actually looked at the results of the very 1st Xray they took of my neck, they would have seen the misaligned vertebre. As soon as the Chiropractor flipped on the light to view the Xrays he saw the problem and pointed it out to me and my mom. It was plainly obvious, even to someone who hasn't gone to medical school.

They simply ran my bill up, and they know it.
Unfortunately, they will more than likely win. Unless you have a hell of a lawyer.

I cant remember if you met Elliot but he got jumped in the Taco Bell drive through while ordering food. Pretty dumb actually, the kids were just looking for a fight and sadly he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. This is what they did to him...


The first hospital he went to turned him away because he didnt have insurance. He is suing the shit outta the hospital because they were not allowed to send him away with that severe of an injury. His lawyer is also going after Taco Bell because after they pulled him from the car TB locked there windows and told him to "fuck off" when he was screaming to call the cops. Also he was trapt in the drive through and TB's camera's were down so the cops have no leads. He should win quite a large settlement from both taco bell and the first hospital. Tampa General told him that he could have easily died when the other hospital sent him home because of infection over night.
Geezus... people who fight are idiots. :( Sucks your friend was in the wrong place.

There was some 80 year old lady a while back that it happened to. Some dude jumped her and beat the shit out of her to take her wallet. Real nice.
Unless it was Passion of the Christ, you can take a road trip to Mel Gibson's house and steal 18 dollars out of his wallet.

i'm letting him keep my $18, not so much becuase i'm afraid of him shitting on me, but the popcorn was especially good that night at the theatre.
Actually ... if you don't like the movie you saw .. if you go to the office and tell them .. they'll give you your money back, or a voucher for another movie ticket.

They might have done the tests, but they did not use them. If they had actually looked at the results of the very 1st Xray they took of my neck, they would have seen the misaligned vertebre. As soon as the Chiropractor flipped on the light to view the Xrays he saw the problem and pointed it out to me and my mom. It was plainly obvious, even to someone who hasn't gone to medical school.

They simply ran my bill up, and they know it.
Sure they do. o_O Maybe in bumfuck, not around here. You'd likely get laughed at. You also fail to see the motivations, if the movie theatre lets you see another it's because they want your continued business, not because they actually care whether or not you liked the movie.

When you go to a hospital one of those forms you sign usually has something about paying for services rendered. If you didnt have to pay because you didnt like the outcome -everyone- could just say: 'regardless of what you do today eventually I will die, therefore I am not satisfied with quality of care' and not pay their bills. They'd probably forgive your bill if there was malpractice involved, and note that medical error is -not- malpractice, but it's unlikely for that to turn out now since torts usually have to be brought in a timely manner and they still have it on record.

Hell, they've probably already deducted it from their taxes as a bad debt. In a few years they'll probably houseclean and sell all their bad debts to a collection agency for pennies on the dollar.

Surprised you went to a chiropractor, they're as real as acupuncture or herbalists.
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