cat vs dog

The mom cat and kittens couldn't have gone to a good home?! Instead you had them slaughtered?@!?!?!?

Dude WTF, I took in a pregnant street cat and let her live with me for two months so that she didn't have her kids outside in the cold. I would have let her stay longer but she sliced my other cats eye open, very literally. There aren't many people out there that will take care of a mom and five kittens. I could barely afford to take care of them.
In Dharma's defense .. they don't disclose that stuff to you until you've already signed the animals over (usually). Once you sign them over .. they won't give them back. They will however let you pay $55 each to adopt them. Fuckers.

That's why I don't adopt from those places or send animals there. After I found out that they did that to animals (the euthanizing because they are "too young") I started placing ad's in pet stores and/or finding a vet clinic that would take them.

I'm always finding my friends/relatives/self animals that way too. The only "rescue" I would purchase from are breed specific rescues .. or a no-kill shelter (and there aren't many of those around here).
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In Dharma's defense .. they don't disclose that stuff to you until you've already signed the animals over (usually). Once you sign them over .. they won't give them back. They will however let you pay $55 each to adopt them. Fuckers.

That's why I don't adopt from those places or send animals there. After I found out that they did that to animals (the euthanizing because they are "too young") I started placing ad's in pet stores and/or finding a vet clinic that would take them.

I'm always finding my friends/relatives/self animals that way too. The only "rescue" I would purchase from are breed specific rescues .. or a no-kill shelter (and there aren't many of those around here).

Thanks but I really don't feel that I need to be defended. I did a good thing. I am still very upset with animal services because they didn't bother to tell me that they were going to turn around and kill the cats. I called a week later to check on them and they said that they killed them. I was absolutely crushed. I wish they had told me I would have tried to figure something out.
Well wasn't so much a "defense' as it was an explination. Most people don't know that little tidbit of information. And for some reason they don't like to divulge it up front while you are signing them over either.

Mr Dodger has decided that the box is no longer for him .. and although I had to help him (he tried to jump and just couldn't quite get enough bounce), he is now snoozing away in my officemates chair. :fly: Guess hes gonna have to stand until we leave at 3 lol.

Earlier this morning, before breakfast


As of 5 min ago lol, sorry Ben

So my friend called to make sure I was putting the warm compress on Doger like I was supposed to. I told her I tried, but Dodger wouldn't leave it alone (he moves). She suggested wrapping an Ace Banage around him to hold it in place .... yeaaaaah, he was like UH UHHHH no way crazy lady!


The fuck is this shit woman?


Alright, now look ... this isn't working for me, ok.


How about I just lay here and take it like a man, will you keep that "thing" off me? Alright .. deal!

:lol: I couldn't resist. I shoulda video taped that shit .. it was A+. Look at his face :lol: .. he is SO pissed off right now :lol:.
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lol He was so unhappy with me for about 15 minutes :lol:.

But he has to have that compress because he has fluid collecting in the mass assortment of puncture wounds on his tummy. The fact that he is so fat there makes it worse, because it's made the swelling a tad worse than it should be.

Vet buddy says the fluid needs to drain or he can get a serious infection, and possibly die from it. So he will just have to be unhappy with me for 15-20 a couple times a day lol.

Poor cat.
In Dharma's defense .. they don't disclose that stuff to you until you've already signed the animals over (usually). Once you sign them over .. they won't give them back. They will however let you pay $55 each to adopt them. Fuckers.

That's why I don't adopt from those places or send animals there. After I found out that they did that to animals (the euthanizing because they are "too young") I started placing ad's in pet stores and/or finding a vet clinic that would take them.

I'm always finding my friends/relatives/self animals that way too. The only "rescue" I would purchase from are breed specific rescues .. or a no-kill shelter (and there aren't many of those around here).

"no kill" shelters don't exist. the ones that claim to be simply send bad animals to kill shelters and call it a done deal.

Cities also don't want to have a no-kill shelter because it makes your city a prime target for animal dumps then... which means your city is now footing the bill for every animal in the tri-county area that nobody wanted.

Face it, not all pets are adoptable, and people don't want to adopt them all. They can't live and die in a cage, that's not a very humane thing to do while spending the tax payers money... and what else are you gonna do with 200 puppies? The alternative? Euthanize.

It's not cruel... it's realistic.
It may be realistic .. but like I said .. I understand the reasoning .. but it still doesn't make me like it any better.

Do you know how long it takes an animal to die from anti-freeze? It's not a quick or painless death. It shuts their internal organs down. I can't knowingly do that to something.
It may be realistic .. but like I said .. I understand the reasoning .. but it still doesn't make me like it any better.

Do you know how long it takes an animal to die from anti-freeze? It's not a quick or painless death. It shuts their internal organs down. I can't knowingly do that to something.

Less than 24 hours and it's done.

Think your cat feels no pain right now?
I'm sure he does .. and I get angry when I think about it. BUt that doesn't make me want to make the other dog suffer. It's the owner's fault for letting it run around and reak havok. Unfortunately I can't do anything to the owner due to no leash law. I can't just be cruel to the dog though. I've tried my best to scare it away, but it comes back. After next week .. it won't anymore.

Plus I'd have to waste my money buying a bottle of antifreeze .. I buy the low tox kind .. so I can make sure if I spill any I don't kill anything.
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