HPV - Ya You Know Me

one major reason i don't want it to be mandatory is because the drug is not old enough to know what it will do to you 10 or 30 or 50 years down the line. i don't like some new drug being made mandatory, and i don't care how long it's been tested before release and what percentages they have to back the drug.

and that's all i've got to say about that. :fly:

oh, and i didn't have sex before i graduated high school, on my own choice. and i never had unprotected sex before mr. spange. and i was a party girl. so there. :p
one major reason i don't want it to be mandatory is because the drug is not old enough to know what it will do to you 10 or 30 or 50 years down the line. i don't like some new drug being made mandatory, and i don't care how long it's been tested before release and what percentages they have to back the drug.

and that's all i've got to say about that. :fly:

oh, and i didn't have sex before i graduated high school, on my own choice. and i never had unprotected sex before mr. spange. and i was a party girl. so there. :p

That's a good reason. Never know what's going to happen down the line.

sex is grand.