Variations on a theme (thread): chivalry


Flaccid Member
Now admit it.

June, with her trim figure and high class manners, was a hottie.

All the modern girls struggling to keep the pounds off and she was in the kitchen cooking up eggs and bacon for the tribe.

And what about that silky smooth voice...

That was a classy woman.

In those days you knew why men would stand up when a lady enters a room.

When was the last time you saw guys get up when a female walks in a room.

Well, when June walks in with her high heels and pearls, all perfect in her dress, men stood up.

When I read this, it brought to mind an addage: chivalry is dead. I believe despite the bra burning independant woman, there is nothing wrong with being polite. I am not above a gentileman holding a door open for me, but I do find myself not letting my ego get in the way of others (male or female) helping me out with tasks (i.e. carrying things in from grocery shopping, etc.)

Do you feel that chivalry should be snuffed out entirely, given to those women who demand it, or given to those, like June, who deserve it? :D

Thank you, Dysfunctional
When I read this, it brought to mind an addage: chivalry is dead. I believe despite the bra burning independant woman, there is nothing wrong with being polite. I am not above a gentileman holding a door open for me, but I do find myself not letting my ego get in the way of others (male or female) helping me out with tasks (i.e. carrying things in from grocery shopping, etc.)

Do you feel that chivalry should be snuffed out entirely, given to those women who demand it, or given to those, like June, who deserve it? :D

Thank you, Dysfunctional

Chivalry wouldn't be dead if the useless, stupid, disgusting cunts that are modern-day women were worth being chivalrous for.
I think everyone should be polite, whether they're male or female, and whether it's in relation to a male or female.

I also think that it depends on the meaning and feelings behind the chivalry. Are you helping me out because you think I can't do it on my own? Or are you doing it because you honestly just want to help? Or are you doing it because you think you'll get some tail?
It's not completely dead around here, and I like it.

I always hold doors open fer ladies, and see others doing it too.

Also giving up a seat on the subway for someone who needs it more, see that fairly often too.

The best one I saw recently was this wheelchair bound feller who lives close to me - he was trying to get on the sidewalk and failing miserably. A guy in a shiny BMW in the lane he was in blocked traffic and made sure he got on the sidewalk ok.
It's a good way to get yelled at, or garner strange looks. Being nice is a good way to get disappointed. You're more than likely to be called 'creepy'. Though of course the same woman will whine about how no one is nice to her.

I also think that it depends on the meaning and feelings behind the chivalry. Are you helping me out because you think I can't do it on my own? Or are you doing it because you honestly just want to help? Or are you doing it because you think you'll get some tail?
Not really because if you even imply a 'woman' cant do something on her own, no matter how impossible, you are being 'patronizing'. If you honestly just want to help they (just like you are now) go into spastic fits trying to analyze it and everyone knows that last doesnt work.
Oh and BTW the only way I can pick up women is to be a complete ass cause thats what women like. I actually feel bad sometimes when I am acting like an asshole to gain a womans interest. So fuckin stupid.
It's a good way to get yelled at, or garner strange looks. Being nice is a good way to get disappointed. You're more than likely to be called 'creepy'. Though of course the same woman will whine about how no one is nice to her.

Not really because if you even imply a 'woman' cant do something on her own, no matter how impossible, you are being 'patronizing'. If you honestly just want to help they (just like you are now) go into spastic fits trying to analyze it and everyone knows that last doesnt work.

Eh, I can see that, too. People naturally assume the worst about others and their intentions, for sure.

I didn't go into a spastic fit, however. I just stated that there's a difference in the intentions. I won't assume they think I can't and I'm a feeble incapable female unless they say something of that nature (it's happened before.) And as for being fake-nice to get laid, I've had that happen, too.

That's not me being an over-analyzing girl, it's not like I inferred this, I'm talking "I WAS ONLY NICE TO YOU SO YOU'D GIVE IT UP" (not a direct quote as it's been a few years so my memory is slightly rusty, but that was the general gist. blunt like that, too) or the myriad of threads on various messageboards that were like "I did this nice thing for a chick and she didn't jump on my cock, what a bitch"

I like it when someone holds the door for me, and likewise I like to hold the door for others. I don't expect chivalry,but I appreciate it when it presents itself.
Eh, I can see that, too. People naturally assume the worst about others and their intentions, for sure.

I didn't go into a spastic fit, however. I just stated that there's a difference in the intentions. I won't assume they think I can't and I'm a feeble incapable female unless they say something of that nature (it's happened before.) And as for being fake-nice to get laid, I've had that happen, too.

That's not me being an over-analyzing girl, it's not like I inferred this, I'm talking "I WAS ONLY NICE TO YOU SO YOU'D GIVE IT UP" (not a direct quote as it's been a few years so my memory is slightly rusty, but that was the general gist. blunt like that, too) or the myriad of threads on various messageboards that were like "I did this nice thing for a chick and she didn't jump on my cock, what a bitch"

I like it when someone holds the door for me, and likewise I like to hold the door for others. I don't expect chivalry,but I appreciate it when it presents itself.

Wait you give it up for "Nice Guys"??????? no way, lol

Anytime I play good cop I end up hanging out with Handy.
Wait you give it up for "Nice Guys"??????? no way, lol

Anytime I play good cop I end up hanging out with Handy.

I dated a good number of assholes before I met Ironman. He's the first honestly nice, good guy I've dated, and we've been together just over 2 years and 8 months now (previous relationships never made it past 3 months.)
I dated a good number of assholes before I met Ironman. He's the first honestly nice, good guy I've dated, and we've been together just over 2 years and 8 months now (previous relationships never made it past 3 months.)

I met the meanest craziest chick on Tuesday night. I dont know why I am attracted to that but man it drives me nuts. Her whole body is covered in tattoo's and pierced like a mofo. I absolutely love that shit.
Eh, I can see that, too. People naturally assume the worst about others and their intentions, for sure.

I didn't go into a spastic fit, however. I just stated that there's a difference in the intentions. I won't assume they think I can't and I'm a feeble incapable female unless they say something of that nature (it's happened before.) And as for being fake-nice to get laid, I've had that happen, too.

That's not me being an over-analyzing girl, it's not like I inferred this, I'm talking "I WAS ONLY NICE TO YOU SO YOU'D GIVE IT UP" (not a direct quote as it's been a few years so my memory is slightly rusty, but that was the general gist. blunt like that, too) or the myriad of threads on various messageboards that were like "I did this nice thing for a chick and she didn't jump on my cock, what a bitch"

I like it when someone holds the door for me, and likewise I like to hold the door for others. I don't expect chivalry,but I appreciate it when it presents itself.
Aye but your post, only one of the choices was related to sex. I was pointing to the negative side of the other two as well which didnt seem related. It's a no win game, no matter what the motivation is there is a more than likely chance that whoever you're doing it for will interpret it the wrong way. Not even interpret most of the time, but just assume it so they can carry on being bitches.

I just know girls who- Being mean to people is what they do for fun, just everyday. It practically a pathos about having to assert themselves.

I rarely hold doors (people carrying babies is the only reason I think Id stop), and I never offer ANYONE help anymore. People are either idiots, scumbags, or just mean. Excepting my friends of course.
I ALWAYS hold the door. I actually had to retrain Amy to not do such for herself. I usually stand up when she arrives/departs the dinner table (not at home, of course). I'm the poor schmuck who ends up holding the door at the mall for like 45 seconds.

He speaks the truth, I seen em
Aye but your post, only one of the choices was related to sex. I was pointing to the negative side of the other two as well which didnt seem related. It's a no win game, no matter what the motivation is there is a more than likely chance that whoever you're doing it for will interpret it the wrong way. Not even interpret most of the time, but just assume it so they can carry on being bitches.

I just know girls who- Being mean to people is what they do for fun, just everyday. It practically a pathos about having to assert themselves.

I rarely hold doors (people carrying babies is the only reason I think Id stop), and I never offer ANYONE help anymore. People are either idiots, scumbags, or just mean. Excepting my friends of course.

Yeah, I agree that people definitely interpret it wrong, or however they see fit.

I still offer help/hold doors/etc even if I know most of them won't appreciate it and wouldn't do the same for me. Every once in a while, you find someone that DOES appreciate it, and it makes it worth it.

Also, I've had the whole "be polite and do things for other people" thing forced into me for years. I used to get totally bitched out if I didn't properly address someone I called on the phone "Hello Mrs/Mr. so and so, this is Courtney, may I please speak with so and so? Thank you." :lol: it's actually a sad state of affairs, I don't even think about what I say half the time, it's just an automatic response (i.e. if someone asks how I am, regardless of how I really am I respond "oh, I'm fine thanks, how are you?" when they were probably just saying something in passing as a variation on just "hi" and they probably don't care how I am)