GAY Combo Breaker Spam Thread

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Also, in a weird internet synchronicity, 6 unrelated groups (except for me as the tie that bound they were unaware of) all decided to do Iceland in Feb 2 years back.

Each sent back tons of photos of the Northern Lights going crazy. COLD ASS time of year to go, but visually stunning.
Will you please report your trip planning when you do it. @APRIL and I really want to go.
I will! Have been researching Iceland for years, so want to go! Flights are cheap and it looks like I won't want to leave there, it is so cool.

And OMG a penny stock we (well Mr Boots) bought a couple years ago is going nutso today!. Called Puration, CBD or MJ infused water, sports drinks, etc, and coca cola and beer companies are expressing interest.
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