GAY Who are the Flatboi Downs-Pt II

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I want to get out of Austin. Everything costs twice as much as it used to and what's left of the "culture" is bullshit compared to what it once was. If I were to do what I did 20 years ago, which is strike out upon the world with all my worldly possessions which didn't even fill up half of an old Ford pickup, go someplace I'd never been before and make a go of it, and this shithole is what I found, I would just keep going. This isn't even remotely the same place I once loved.

Second choice was New Orleans, which would've put me there pre-Katrina and I'd probably be living in the concrete sphincter that is Houston now anyways.

I want to live someplace that has all 4 seasons though not an overabundance of any one of them. White Christmas, hot summer, but a lot of in between. Someplace with a good blend of hippie and hillbilly culture. Might check out the Ozarks. North Arkansas, South Missouri, maybe far east Oklahoma/winding stair area. Lot of bigfoots around in there. Or maybe east Kentucky or someplace like that.

Need a town with enough people/economy to have some regular workin' man type jobs but 30 minutes behind the wheel gets you a reasonable ways out in the sticks to some cheap land. Run a still, grow some pot, and not be bothered as long as you keep to yourself and don't advertise. Can be one long days drive from central/northern Minnesota (say up to 14-15 hours) but not 2 days.
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Then once I'm settled there I'll get a cabin on a lake in the woods just south of Darth's. Close as I can get to the Boundary Waters and still be on private land in America. Then we can take canoe trips. He can bring his office hotties and his lsd, I'll bring my moonshine and my weeds, and we can meet in the middle of the lake and conduct an international symposium on peace and mutual cooperation in the interest of peace and mutual cooperation and then laugh when we roll the canoe over trying to pee out of it.
OK, maybe that was a little direct but come on man, loosen up, pull the corn cob out of your ass. You can be rather humorous and kind of cool in the rare instance you let it loose.
This is going to be the last high energy shit I put here for a while. From here on out its going to be more John Denver and the like. Call it a cleaning or whatever.

Putting this here as a placeholder because I'm going to wake up with this tomorrow, alone, at my own pace, with a couple farts in the sack, 5 animals, a fat one, and some coffee, in great peace, and if you don't like it you can fuck right off.

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