Who's your celebrity look-alike?

Petition to make this our new rage smiley


Or plain and simple :rage:

How?!?!!!! Not even closeeee

I so agree! I have never ever understood that. I think Prince is creepy looking so not at all like Luis.

However I absolutely do not see Lou Ferrigno either. I don't think he's attractive at all and reminds me of my boss.

Guess I don't think of any celebrities when it comes to him (or myself for that matter).
You are smoking some serious crack there. Really he looks like nothing like him except they both have dark hair.
Yea, he does. :fly:

Guess we need to see him irl. Or know him, to think differently?

Just like Liam looks like that dwarf dude, too. :fly:
Which is like, so true because someone said so!