WTF Post interesting/funny/odd things about yourself - NOW FULL OF ICK

I have been using tampons since day 1 of my period and I never had cramps or any PMS really until after Sam. Now it's a nightmare. Plus I bleed heavily for 3-5 days, and lightly for 2 more. For the heavy times I have to change my tampon like every hour or two. It's horrid.

Shiiitttt! That's what I have NOW. I got away with this not happening with the first 2 bratlets. You got a shit end of the deal after just one there! :( :(
Meh, I never had shitty stuff like cramps, pms whatever until youngest. I've always worn corks. Fuck wearing diapers. :barf: I don't enjoy Aunt Flo's visit & certainly don't feel like soaking my cat in the juices for hours on end. :( :( :(

:lol: a hahaha @ last sentence. I so agree!!!
The first month after the D&E was awful - I mean physically horrible. After that and after Dom it wasn't bad at all - I mean like the early days of my period. I did go back on BCP about 6 weeks after giving birth though because of my history. Without I'd be hurting. It got really bad in college for me though. So maybe if you have another it can get better too ;)

I hated pads though and was embarassed to have to wear them thanks to my loved but crazy about being virginal mother. I just feel so dirty.

I swear cups are better than tampons though. Can wear them longer, they hold more and no leaks compared to tampons. I tried those instead disposible cups and failed miserably. Apparently I'm too small for that, but I hoped they could be doable since they'd make it possible to have sex during without mess. Oh well...
OK people. Just shove a cork up there! Not all corks are created equal, I swear! Like, recently I ran out of whatever I usually use, (and whatever that is, I never remember), & bought some of whatever else. Well those whatever elsers were like 10" long & realllly irritating. And the more they got soaked, the more they like, were coming out. So, thooose were not good ones.
But, there are these ones that come in a black box, that are short & not fat & work wonderfully.

The 10" gave me more cramps, more than likely because they were shoved up onto my cervix. Probably not awesome placement, but hey, it's all I had until I felt like venturing to "that" aisle again. Which, I never did because Amazon Prime.

The end.

Of whatever I just said.
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If you're old enough to be having sex, you're old enough to talk about menstruation. Nut up or shut up, dudebros.