words that should die a horrible fiery death

Let's compare: A) A Canadian right now agrees with me, B) According to the OED "eh, pronunciation: 'A, 'e, 'a: interjection: ME ey: used to ask for confirmation or repetition or to express inquiry; used especially in Canadian English in anticipation of the listener's or reader's agreement"

to that which you "think". There'll come a time when you'll realise what you think doesnt matter as much as you think and just because you think it doesnt mean you are correct.

In other words. Burrrrrnnnn.

For the record I dont really care, there just isnt anything else to talk about. My lack of caring doesnt make me any less right though.

Edit: Oh and "aye" sounds like "I" and "eh" sounds like the "ey" in "hey".

Were you in gifted as a kid?
Dunno what gifted is, you menna skipping grades? Then yes.

Some schools have "special" classes that teach the kids that are brighter than the average students; it usually involves cool projects and association with other students that are similar.

From Wikipedia:
Intellectual giftedness is an intellectual ability significantly higher than average. Giftedness is a trait that starts at birth and continues throughout the life-span. Giftedness is not a marker of success, but rather of aptitude or the inherent ability to learn.
Some schools have "special" classes that teach the kids that are brighter than the average students; it usually involves cool projects and association with other students that are similar.

From Wikipedia:
Intellectual giftedness is an intellectual ability significantly higher than average. Giftedness is a trait that starts at birth and continues throughout the life-span. Giftedness is not a marker of success, but rather of aptitude or the inherent ability to learn.

Interesting. I don't believe I was ever in the same school long enough for them to pigeon-hole me. Then when it got too easy in middle school my parent's pulled me out for the homeschoolin'.
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Some schools have "special" classes that teach the kids that are brighter than the average students; it usually involves cool projects and association with other students that are similar.

From Wikipedia:
Intellectual giftedness is an intellectual ability significantly higher than average. Giftedness is a trait that starts at birth and continues throughout the life-span. Giftedness is not a marker of success, but rather of aptitude or the inherent ability to learn.

I did the gifted program in middle school and then all the advance classes in highschool.