Why do guys poop more?

I'd put it down to the fact we eat worse food. There may be better reasons, but I've never looked into it :p Guess that's something I'll have to do
Visker said:
Only if it's soft.

I can't make you any promises. Just know that it'll be more than an elephant...

Galen said:
I'd put it down to the fact we eat worse food. There may be better reasons, but I've never looked into it :p Guess that's something I'll have to do
I dunno, I eat pretty healthy and I'm still at least twice a day...
Visker said:
I poop like... once a week.
I practically eat all the time, infact.. i'm eating right now!

I guess i'm just not as wasteful with my energy usage... or... whatever it is that goes on inside my stomach.

I had an aunt like that. when she did go however it was a MAJOR event because she would be there for at least an hour or so with mutiple flushes and so forth.
I've noticed that I poop more when i vary the types of food I eat within the day.

So I think that may have something to do with it. guys dont care what they eat...women tend to be more regular and picky about what goes into their mouths so they poop less :p
I'm posting for the good of mankind.

I poop every other day unless I have Chinese. Then it's usually about 15 minutes after and a couple hours after that.