Hawt Who'va ya blown tha longest?

I'm a relative newcomer to the group. I met Coqui first with dbzeag being a very close second. I met them irl before I really talked to them on the internets even though the internets is the reason we met.

I just fired up an old hard drive. Found pictures of the first time we all met. (IBWIP, mikey, etc.)
I knew Drool from [H] and then Drunkenforums and used to listen to him on Outlaw Radio.

Those were good times
Man, I can't even remember. Pretty much whomever from here that was posting on Genmay right around the time of the 'NO PICTURES OF MUHAMMAD WE GO JIHAD BALALALALA', because searching for the muhammad pictures is how I found genmay.
Lolllllllllll. Women.

Yeah I think my first memory of you posting is with that All Else Failed guy. He seemed like a cool kid.

yeah he was about the only one on there who actually respond to what you were saying in a debate, instead of just spouting off whatever they had lined up next.

I wonder if NME knows that old fat english bitch who dressed up as a fairy and did aikido?
I laughed at one of fly's jokes on Hardorum once. Then theac's on Genmay. I followed them here after the Great Migration.
I was on Hardforum a while before the Genmay was shut down by the dick head that runs the website and everyone migrated to genmay the day it opened. The photoshop threads on hardforum were awesome.