Who wants to be a mod?

April23 said:
I could go for a warm glass of SHUT THE HELL UP.

Ya, I could.

You're a little tense today.
I know what could remedy that.

A massage...

...d strip of juicy steak.
BigBoi69 said:
:lol: You guys really need to go back and read the thread......


I was responding to the first post. I'm not reading all those posts. Its your problem.
If you don't make Kander77 mod then you don't respect the 46th admentment to the consisition or how ever you stpell it. FUCK there is only 27 admentments to the consittionssitons not 76, you fafggots. SO VOTE KANDER&&> LOL VOTE KANDSER&& HE WILL REGULATE THE FORUMS WILL DIGINITRY AND KANDER&&ISM. VOTE HIM. VOTE HIM. LOLOLOL VITE HIM.