Welcome New Members

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Flaccid Member
Sep 30, 2004
To All New Comers: Welcome to UF
We're happy you decided to join our forum. With your account activation, a new member thread has been created for you. You should have a link to it in your PM box and email. If not, look on the main forum page index. It shouldn't be hard to find. This is the only thread you are allowed to post in until your account is validated. We do this for two reasons. The first is to confirm you're not a spam bot. The second is to actually get to know something about you before you join in full. We want you to tell us a little about yourself and hope it'll provide you an opportunity to get to know some of us. To encourage this, we will not validate your account for at least 24 hours. After 24 hours, members can start to decide on whether or not your account should be validated. The requirements aren't stringent, merely an affirmation that you have shown some interest in being here and that we know something about you. Once you're out, you're a member in full with no further restrictions. Good luck and get posting.

For Current UF Members
Chill the hell out. The new member threads are not for griefing newbs, hazing, shock value posts, or spamming with your stream-of-consciousness ADHD nonsense. If you're interested in talking to the new member and getting to know them, great. If not, just don't post in the thread. If you're found to be doing any of the stuff you've been told not to do, you will be banned from posting in new member threads. If you try to find ways around this, we will further limit your posting privileges until you get the message.

Also to be clear, you cannot vote on new members for the first 24 hours, so don't try. If you like the person, post in their stating your support. It would be nice if you said why you support them, but not necessary. If you don't like them, vote the thread a 1 to vote-lock it. You don't have to publicly state you don't like them. Its probably better if you didn't anyways. If the thread gets vote locked, the account is deleted.

So be nice. Who knows, that new kid may be the next bad ass poster or your new best friend.
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