Ontopic Thoughts on fast food workers strike and pay demand

Thoughts on Fast Food Workers Money Demands

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If you guys enjoy this topic, watch the documentary Inequality for All.

It's made by an ex secretary of labor and is chalk full of well researched information. Highly recommended it.
15-17 intern at the fire department
18-21 engineer at a local recording studio
19 PC Magic (mom & pop computer store) tech

shit, forgot about that. 19-21 EMT for Fire and Rescue.

That was volunteer though, not paid, still a job though, 48 hours a week.
14-16 babysitting and elder care
16-17 gas station cashier/pump jockey
18 - deli slicer at grocery store
18 - bagel bitch
19 - call center (incoming)
20 - retail
20-26 - phlebotomist/lab tech
Everyone detail their young-life work history, lets say before 21.

15-17 Lifeguard
17-21 Computer repair and custom builds (this was the late 90s, early 2000s, that shit was profitable as fuck)
17-21 Console modding (also profitable as fuck)

Amazingly the reverse engineering needed for the last position actually ended up on my resume, and got me a career entry job.

15-16 Retail - $7-8 ish
16-18 Customer service - $9-11ishh
18-21 Medicaal secretary, 30k salary so around $20/hr or so....
When a company doesn't pay its staff a living wage the staff has to get government assistance. We as the taxpayers are directly subsidizing the profits of these companies. That is a far more dangerous and unhealthy system than any idea of a "welfare state". Let it cut into their profits and prevent them from gouging prices in response.

Humanity does not exist to turn labor into capital, the idea of putting profit before humanity is horrifying.

As for the argument that a fast food job isn't supposed to maintain a family, what do you expect people to do? The job market is still tight in many areas and that's the only place where some people can get jobs. It's a shame that those people had to lose their jobs because of a economic crash that none of the bankers responsible have gone to jail for but that's the reality of the situation. It's not so simple for someone to just learn a new skill. As a civilized nation we don't get to say "too bad, get a better job" and then bitch when the government has to keep those people from being homeless and hungry.

And after thinking about it, it wouldn't be that bad of a thing if fast food prices were to rise. We'd have fewer people eating fast food and more people eating proper, healthy food in an effort to stave off the horrifying epidemic of obesity in the country. But the government absolutely has to step in and force the change, healthy and nutritious food can be cheaper than fast food but the prices are artificially inflated and the fast food industry gets to make additional profit off the public funds.

I'm ok with increasing the minimum wage especially since it's considerably lower than it's been in the past - when adjusted for inflation, of course - and the percentage of income and assets controlled by the wealthiest in the country has only increased. Trickle down economics is a flat out lie, it was never true and the growing income gap is just further evidence of it.

Fucking aye, man!
This is all I remember:
13-14 paper route
14-17 babysitting - at the end for just one family in particular
17-18 McDonald's
19 Night Assistant in dorms, summer worked at a local grocer
20 Computer Lab Assistant, summer intern work at an engineering firm
21-22 Worked for OSU's residential network tech support & rewiring buildings. Best job ever and held it for my last 2 years as well as summer. I would have stayed on as a professional position but red tape caused the post not to happen until 3 months after I graduated even though my boss wanted me for that job.
My work experience:

childhood labor: fixed computers, mowed lawns, painted fences, etc
17 (spring '97) = high school co-op job, helped a local company move their shit from SVR4.2 to FreeBSD after SCO started being dicks about licensing.
17 (summer '97) = first summer job and only government job, fixing computers for the newfoundland libraries board. My job ran afoul of the public employees union, I was told I couldn't fix computers anymore, so I showed people how to use the internet etc. Then their claims department "lost" the receipts I sent in for transportation expenses and fucked me out of $500, which was almost a third of my net income for that job. I swore never to work for the government again after that experience.
18 (summer '98) = 2nd summer job, talked to tourists and ran the ham radio site at cabot tower in st. john's, NL. Internet hadn't taken off at this point and being able to talk to someone in australia without paying long distance was pretty cool to most people.
19 (summer '99) = cable company job (EE work term #1 ) - did mostly IT bitch work, then did upgrades/programming on their PBX to support their call center.
20 (spring 2000) = hired for work term #2 , supposed to be working on controllers/PLCs/etc, but weeks before the job started one of the company partners called me up coked out of his mind and told me to go fuck myself, they didn't need/want me. Ended up doing odd electrical jobs instead - installing car stereos, fixing professional audio and guitar amps, modding/fixing playstations, satellite hacking, etc. I even rewired a grow house - someone asked me for help, I walked in and lost my shit at how badly it was done, and rewired everything safe/proper. Place got busted a few months after that - the cops called my work "sophisticated" in the media, I was both scared shitless and proud.
20/21 (fall 2000) = work term #3 . Made an autonomous vehicle that would carry shit around at a greenhouse company that grew orchids.
21 (summer 2001) = work term #4 , the roller coaster ride of Nortel. 2 months as a web app developer, bottom fell out of that, 2 months as a server room bitch.

Up until the fall 2000 work term, I lived with my parents while I worked/went to school. And I lived with them when I finished school.
i don't want to break down my 15-21 employment but I made more money selling weed during that entire period than at any of the actual jobs
At what wage is it better to just live off welfare? We've got to be close to that, if not well past it. What is a person's time worth?

I'm standing in line and this chick on the line over loudly proclaims that she quit McDonald's because they wouldn't let her go to church on Sundays and no one was going to get in between her relationship with God.

All right then.
I remember working as waitstaff for about a year. I worked days M-F at one place, any evenings at another.

I couldn't get night work at the place I worked days because it was HUGE money and the staff never quit. So one day someone bugged a manager to let me (a day guy) take a night shift because no one else was available. From that day on, I filled in for people ALL the fucking time 7 nights a week - when I wanted to. no schedule. Just me filling in. The employees and management hated how flexibly I got to work when no one else could do it that way.

If the bitch above said she wasn't available to work on Sundays, or Sundays after 2pm (or whatever let her have her relationship) they would have known before hiring her. You can't just change your availability and expect to still have a job. it's a 2 way street.