Thread This is a part of why both major parties suck.

What was the peaceful people's reaction to this?


or to this?


Some didn't care. Some did. Much like reactions following the Super Bowl, or getting cut off in traffic.
Don't intentionally dumb it down.

Tell us who needed security guards after the superbowl or getting cut off in traffic? Who got death threats?

I'm not dumbing anything down. Some people are assholes. Faith has nothing to do with it. It merely provides a convenient release for pent up aggression. Once God sanctions it, or even compels it, you can REALLY get your freak on. That urge for chaos is always there though. Which is why violence crosses all economic, political, geographic, and religious boundaries.

Notice that whenever law and order break down, people resort to monkey behavior, looting and murder. Right here in America even. You think Islam is what pushes people over the edge? Our very humanity is what pushes us over the edge. We are animals, and we act like it. Every single day. Religion is just a tangent.

Western history, by the way, is littered with stories of brutal Christian assholery. Murder, r*pe, destruction of the highest magnitude. Christians recently slaughtered innocent Islamic men, women, and children in Bosnia. Untold thousands of them. Maybe you remember the months' worth of news coverage, the war, etc.
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