The OFFICIAL 'Cry that my offtopic post got deleted' thread.

I think its fucking retarded to delete posts. Some of mine deserve to be deleted but there have been a few that have been deleted because of nitpicking. FUCK
i hate it when i am playing a game for a while and get a high score and then BAM
"sorry your score will not be save......blah blah

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The administrator has disabled viewing of the arcade for your member group. If you feel this is a mistake please PM an administrator and let them know.
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i hate it when i am playing a game for a while and get a high score and then BAM
"sorry your score will not be save......blah blah

vBulletin Message
The administrator has disabled viewing of the arcade for your member group. If you feel this is a mistake please PM an administrator and let them know.

This is caused by using your "back" button. Instead always make sure you refresh the window before playing games and you will never have that problem.