The Drumbeat

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Atan Nolme

Flaccid Member
Oct 14, 2004
Karningul,Eriador, Endor
The drumbeat. It's always there. Day and night. Rain or shine. Winter or Summer. Sunday or Monday. It comes at you from every direction. It comes over the TV, the radio, at work, at school, in music, in the newspapers, from the politicians, in conversation with others, even in church. It wears you down. It robs you of the will to resist its message. Even short-lived victories, which stop it briefly, leave you with the knowledge that it will return; each minor victory bound to be lost to the redoubled efforts of this patient and persistent force. You can't escape it. It never stops. It never gives up. It never ends. It rains upon you from every possible angle, from every possible source.

It's the drumbeat of the left. It is political, philosophical, theological, and social. It pervades every activity. It is post-structural, post-modern, post-everything in the parlance of the day. It is tolerant, diverse, non-judgmental, non-discriminatory, egalitarian, politically correct, multicultural, globalist, and collectivist. It insists that there are no rights and wrongs, no moral absolutes. It turns everything upside down in its looking glass world. It denies the correctness of all that produced what our culture revered before the deconstruction of the world in accordance with the tenets of cultural Marxism.

It denies God, human exceptionalism, and the soul. We are reduced to Darwinian animals floundering in an amoral sea of meaninglessness. It is a product of the nihilistic, existentialist philosophical movement, which went hand in hand with modern art, atonal music, scientific materialism and modern physics, and the generally discordant nature of the twentieth century.

It is said that a fish is not aware of the water in which it swims since it is totally immersed in it. This is the way cultural Marxism is taking over our world in its inexorable Gramscian march. We swim in it. It enters every pore of our existence. It is everywhere. We can't escape it. Many people accept this world without even realizing it, just as the fish accepts the water in which it swims. They don't realize it as the left creates new conventional wisdom and new intuitions about truth.

The cultural Marxists convince us that the truth is that there is no truth. And even though this unresolvable paradox lies at the very center of all this, the constant drumbeat keeps the masses in line, anesthetized enough to not make an issue of it. Fed a constant diet of sex, drugs, poisonous pop culture, materialistic trinkets, and unkeepable promises of security provided by huge leftist government, ever more globalist in nature, the masses are diverted from realizing, as they are told there is no truth, that this claim itself is subject to the same test. It is logically impossible for the leftist drumbeat to be true by its own axioms.

The principles upon which Western culture rests and upon which America was built are under attack by these slow acting but deadly forces. The drumbeat is grinding down the will of the West to maintain itself. The ideas of individual sovereignty and responsibility, natural rights, and objective truth have been derided by the left to the point that many of our young people reject them, if, indeed, they are even aware of them as the basis for our culture. All that ensures that a culture will pass its ideas down from one generation to the next is its cultural memory. The drumbeat is slowly but surely replacing our cultural memory.

As each school is renamed and the name of a Founder or other great person from our history is removed from its entrance way, we lose a bit of that memory. As our great authors and works of Western culture are replaced with those in line with the message of the drumbeat, we rapidly lose our cultural memory. As each school textbook is rewritten to reflect the new ideas of family and cultural heritage, our children are lost to the forces of the drumbeat as they learn to view America and traditional Western culture as oppressive and imperialistic. And it doesn't take long for there to be only a shell left, the substance of our culture sucked out and destroyed by the cultural Marxists.

If you believe that all this is a paranoid overreaction, you have plenty of company. Those of us who can still see the water and hear the drumbeat are subject to attempts to make us sound evil and foolish. To believe in traditional Western cultural values, American Exceptionalism, God, and moral truth is to be branded as old fashioned and foolish, even by the best assessments of those who have bought into the cultural Marxist's message. And by the worst of them, we are branded as stupid and evil, and in need of being destroyed.

It may be too late to do anything about this as the world plays out its story. The power-hungry arrogance of human beings seems to be the force that underlies the events carrying us forward to the final chapter. And as this arrogance and lust for power feeds the wills of those who would gain control of the world, humankind is gaining just enough knowledge to destroy itself in that arrogance. Never before in human history has there been such a confluence of forces. Technology, globalism, and the leftist drumbeat are joining together in a way that is allowing mankind to believe, on a worldwide scale, that it can control its own destiny.

The main thing that is being ignored in all this is human nature. It is all based upon the arrogant presumptions of the elitist cultural Marxists concerning how people ought to act. It leads to totalitarianism and destruction.

In truth, and in direct opposition to the drumbeat, each human being must be accorded his or her natural rights, individual sovereignty, and self responsibility to be in harmony with human nature. Each of us must have the freedom to succeed or to fail. Western culture, culminating in the great American experiment, has been perverted. Due to these perversions, many failures have already occurred, which have then, ironically, been used to justify further perversions of the same sort as those which caused the problems to begin with.

Generally, these perversions are manifested in bigger government, more laws, more bureaucracy, more regulations, more taxes, and government controlled redistribution of wealth, more collectivism, less individualism, and less freedom. We all hear it constantly from leftist politicians as they add their part to the drumbeat: government must do more to ensure Americans avoid the consequences of their choices. We all know the song, sung to the cheers of the unthinking throngs who would give up their very humanity for the promise of a free lunch. These are the joys of cultural Marxism.

And the drumbeat goes on.

The Drumbeat

Since today is a historic day. I though I would make personal history by posting two threads today. :)
Wow, where do I even start with this abomination of an essay...

1. "God" forbid there be no actual point to life. How could one's ego deal with the fact that there is no plan and none of it matters? Geez. The only thing that will matter 100 years from now is if you and your wife make sure gays can't get married and you squeeze out a few puppies, right?

2. Leftist governments and sex scandals or promises of security? Yeah, those totally aren't things that are associated with the right in America. Totally...

3. History books have been rewritten for thousands of years, this is nothing new. If you don't believe it compare the Bible you read now to the Dead Sea Scrolls (or at least the ones the Catholic church will let you read.)

I'm sure there's more I'd like to say, but this should hopefully give some good discussion points.

A representation of what fundamentalist religious ranting sounds like to unbelievers. Commonly used on Fark, originally from an image macro involving a dog and a sprinkler.
"He went on this long spiel about how UFO aliens are actually demons and that they are an omen signalling the birth of the antichrist, but really all I heard was "wharrgarbl".

/modbot... take me away...
Fuck poetic. How is the twentieth century discordant? Atonal music? Is the author filling out a Mad Libs?

"Technology, globalism, and the leftist drumbeat are joining together" AAHAHAHAHAH

Be afraid of the atheist mob!

Yeah because atheists ban together to do... things. :eek:
I couldn't even read that it was so oddly written. It was kinda like that inaugural poem we were all subjected to today. I got as far as reading that tolerance, diversity and non-judgementalism were bad things especially while standing on a bible. I assume the writer was standing on it because he certainly wasn't reading it.
What a stupid, irrelevant, ignorant ramble of words strung together to make nonsensical, fear mongering idiocy.

America is the farthest thing I can think of from Marxist, I'm not sure anybody in your political system even knows the fundamentals of such views and theories. The most capitalist country in the world, and you're touting off shit from a spurious essay as if the viewpoint and opinion observed is even remotely close to the truth. I'll tell you what is close to the truth, and to quote the idiot who wrote that himself:

as they learn to view America and traditional Western culture as oppressive and imperialistic

SINCE WHEN WAS THE WHOLE CREATION OF AMERICA NOT OPPRESSIVE AND IMPERIALISTIC??? I think it's you who's the ignorant one brushing over facts and pulling down signs and symbols of your own great nation. If don't think there's anything more true in the world that all empires, including America were created cruelly, oppressively and imperialistically.

Dum dum.

Much as I like you, you post the most objectionable bullshit sometimes,
Republicans like catchphrases, Democrats like facts.

Well, now, let's not get too hasty there. I'm all for marking a difference between the two partys, but, really, is there any politician out there that isn't a jingoistic catch phrase spouting turd?

And I can think of many cases where 'Facts' and 'Democrat' aren't exactly a hand in hand relationship.
Wow, where do I even start with this abomination of an essay...

1. "God" forbid there be no actual point to life. How could one's ego deal with the fact that there is no plan and none of it matters? Geez. The only thing that will matter 100 years from now is if you and your wife make sure gays can't get married and you squeeze out a few puppies, right?

2. Leftist governments and sex scandals or promises of security? Yeah, those totally aren't things that are associated with the right in America. Totally...

3. History books have been rewritten for thousands of years, this is nothing new. If you don't believe it compare the Bible you read now to the Dead Sea Scrolls (or at least the ones the Catholic church will let you read.)

I'm sure there's more I'd like to say, but this should hopefully give some good discussion points.

What are you talking about the Catholic church would never hide any of the scrolls from the public. You're crazy man.
I'm just holding out in hopes that we will soon get rid of politicians all together and we will all run the country voting on everything using our TV remotes.
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