Sweet, we have protesters

If they're protesting, chances are they are college students. So I'm sure they have at least some food in their bellies.

You're all a bunch of biased asses and should be banned from useless, per the rules.
ChikkenNoodul said:
Protestors of any type, are generally expendable people IMO.

"But how do kill protestors and hippies?"

"Easy! You just don't lead 'em as much!"

/bad Full Metal Jacket ripoff
there are 200 of the fuckers out there according to security
just went and checked it out...no cam with me
Drool-Boy said:
They problem with ethiopia is that theres no food there
Someone should open a macdonalds or soemthing

that would be an interesting menu:

filet o' monkey
big croc
1/4 lb of wildebeest w/goat chz
oppression meal for the kiddies
kiwi said:
That's the only way I protest.

Wouldn't it be more effective to protest about the problems in ethiopia in ethiopia? :confused:

no one in ethiopia cares so they want US intervention is my guess