Summer Movie Season


Erect Member
Nov 22, 2004
Savannah, GA
Ok guys. Let's talk about what summer movies you have already seen and if you liked them or not. Also feel free to bring up any up coming movies. Please use spoiler tags when needed. Do not ruin it for other people.

Iron Man: It was a comic book movie but one of the better ones by far. Downey was a great Stark and carried the movie. Lots of action and a straight forward origin story plot.

Indiana Jones 4: Very campy at times and a let down. Yes the old movies were campy but this hit cheesy at times and CGI was used more than it should have been. If you want to see it just rent it.
Mutt vine swinging was awful and not needed.

The Happening: The first half of the movie was creepy and the things that happen to the people were awesome.
I enjoyed the images of the people just freezing then doing stuff like feeding themselves to the lions or jumping off the building. Why in the hell when the people saw signs in people around them did they not run away as fast as possible?!
I was very disappointed in the ending and wanted something more out of the movie. It was not his best movie.

The Incredible Hulk: It was a comic book movie and not as well done as Iron Man at all. It ignored the first movie which was smart but they still screwed up an easy to do origin story. If you just want to see Hulk smash on the big screen then see it in the movies other wise just rent it. There will be sequels but probably no Norton.
I'm still looking forward to The Dark Knight and Wanted. I know the Wanted's story is drastically changed from the comics but I have hopes. Curving bullets looks cool.
All of the reviews of The Happening that I've seen say there are some good performances and some really, really creepy scenes but overall the film sucks balls.
I still wanna check out The Happening. Should I wait for video?

I am probably the only female left alive that has yet to see Sex and the City. I will be going thing week.

Also, I will go see Mama Mia, but only because I have a deep routed connection to ABBA.

I'm not terribly excited about any movies that have come out or are going to come out this summer though. I just like movie popcorn.
I am probably the only female left alive that has yet to see Sex and the City. I will be going thing week.

Not true, I havem't and I won't be.

I'm def looking forward to Dark Knight. I actually think that's the movie that my winning tickets is going to saved for since it's the only one I really want to see in the theater. I quite enjoyed Ironman and I thought Indiana Jones was fun and entertaining. Not as good as the one with Sean Connery, but better then the other two, IMHO. I'm also excited to see Wall E.
I just saw the Happening, it was bad. And I love M. Night. I liked the village. I liked Lady in the Water. This was a poor movie.

The build up and ending could have been so much better. I loved some of the things the people did.

Marky Mark sucked. John L was good.
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please ruin the happening for me

I don't want to see shamalamadingdong's crap anymore, especially after all the commercials touting "HIS FIRST R RATED MOVIE OMG"
I just saw the Happening, it was bad. And I love M. Night. I liked the village. I liked Lady in the Water. This was a poor movie.

You're insane. Signs was a fucking stupid premise and after The Village I said that I would never be suckered into another Shalalaladingdong movie.

Sixth sense was his apex, with nothing but fail and aids since then.
You're insane. Signs was a fucking stupid premise and after The Village I said that I would never be suckered into another Shalalaladingdong movie.

Sixth sense was his apex, with nothing but fail and aids since then.

signs could have been so much better
m night shamalamadingdong